Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!


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Seriously though, I’m going to be dead from the venom tonight, go pick someone else
Like this:
/vote Celeste

/vote Celeste

W h y

Why would I envenom my own vote target

Good point

Wait a minute, why are you voting an envenomed person anyway? :thinking:

So who did you make a pact with?

Merc. Can you explain to me how you know I’m the Shaman?

The Elementalist outed you and I attempted to blackmail everyone in mass as you were near majority

Ah, well, I assume the bounty wore off, so… everyone leave me alone plz

It doesnt

There’s no proof that it doesn’t wear off, bucko

Other than mod text :wink:

Gib :clap: proof :clap:

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No thx

Then I’m not believing jack

@Mercenary Hey, friend. Is the bounty permanent or not?

Hey guys, I’m here now. Apologies for not posting earlier.

Well im sorry im not trying to be modkilled

Pretty pwease? For me? OwO