Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

Character image was always blonde

Who puts anime girl as their pfp

Good question!

I have cookies


Day 1 ends in 5 hours or earlier if everyone confirms. Players that haven’t confirmed by the end of night 1 may be replaced.


Btw I might not be online when night starts so when it does you may send in your night actions. Also, this thread wont be locked during nighttime and you may continue posting then.

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no me gusta escuela :frowning:

Night 1 has begun and will end in 24 hours, please send your night actions on your classcards. Any actions sent on other pm chains will not be counted.

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So boyos

I’m borreed

gamer want to play a game

What kind

Guessing Game.

I’m thinking of something black and white. What is it?


What That’s red white and black.

Okay so the order of colors are from the top it’s black in the middle it’s white and on the bottom it’s black

do u need another hint

Im in math class, sorry

sad times