Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

Sadness. We should totally be friends

I imagined this phrase with someone covering with a blanket a cage of people behind them.

I was added to three chats.
Declined two of them.

Actually, Merc added me to one and I removed myself.
That makes three removed out of four

Good choice, don’t play multiple teams.

I will make a play for fun tomorrow, but @everyone kill me tonight if you want to be lame.

Inevitably playing for multiple sides is going to stab you in the back.
I do feel like there is a mole in the chat that I am actually present in.

I don’t want to out them immediately but I feel it should be noted.

If there’s Blue in your chat, be wary, he backstabbed me previous time.

your fault here bud.

He made a plan with Dat.

I can say with decisive certainty that Icibalus is my greatest fear.

You will not do that to me Gamerpoke

Eh, is this a quote from private topic?

Yep, from the PM I opened with Geyde

Is this even allowed?

Strictly not allowed

someone is about to be modkilled


It doesn’t necessarily break anything, but it does prove that Merc opened a private chat with me

nah it is safe