Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

That would be extremely funny
But also Geneva Conventions

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I aint playing though. Iā€™d foresee getting mauled (read Marled) the first lynch with my current standing.

We all know I am going to be first lynch

If everyones immune whats the point of attacking someone at night as an NK

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Most classes have limited immunity so its all about timing your abilities right and predicting when you will be attacked. Even the classes with unlimited immunity have some way to breach it, such as the Occultistā€™s double votes from lynches or the fact that twins must take turns healing.

Aight imma go read the classes and then see if Iā€™ll join ty.

ill protect you from getting lynched

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pros win noobs

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Ok so you guys are okay with this?

  • Day abilities may be delayed by a set amount of time, but you cannot queue them during nighttime or set triggers.

By triggers I mean stuff like ā€œplease activate this ability as soon as X happensā€



You are the most cooperative host.
Thank you a lot for both improving on stuff from last time but also listening to complaints people had and making decisions based off it!



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Always liked Neutrals.

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This is a free for all style game.
Itā€™s going to be really fun



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/backup for now


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When are you planning on closing signups?