Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

Trust me in saying that Marcus is going to screw themselves over

Oh fuck I forgot about False Prophecy

@False Prophet pls fam

Geyde didnā€™t sign the Friendship application

Friendship is unnecessary to sustain life.

Wait wait wait.

You have a self heal that you just activated didnā€™t you


:eyes: stop rolefishing mr elite

It doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re d e a d

Same goes for you sir

/vote Geyde

You dare challenge me!

If Iā€™m gonna die Iā€™m taking you down with me!

Alternatively you could help us and lynch Fireslol because several reasons

My DMs are open to sliding FYI

slides in


Iā€™m bored seriously can we d&d

if we d&d in PMs the eavesdrop twin will probably hate us so I just see advantages

Also Iā€™m looking for infomation on Isaac/BossCupcakeā€™s flip. I have info in return

(Sorry cant format properly on mobile)

Fireslol - Geyde
Geyde - Marcus


/Vote Soulboi talk you nerd