Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

A prophet has announced that Memesky will die tonight


Can we get memesky out instead?

He heard my gospels

Also who the hell is Memesky

no u

He’s our all mighty savior


Memesky was a trollish kid who trolled games and answered everyone with “no u”
kinda like a bastard child of marg and hjasik but 5 times worse

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Honestly I just want Overcooked

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I know someone has to die but can it not be me? This is my first rime playing on FM

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(Heck no, he is our lord and saviour)

(and now you will be punished!)

(random player strolling thru~)

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In my first time playing FM we got a draw :’^}

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At least you didn’t lose

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(keep begging)

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It was technically a loss to our side since the last unseen got lynched, then the last cult and BD killed themselves at night

Ahhhh, good times

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Anyway, it would be a waste to lynch me becuase I would just survive it.

Why hasn’t the shaman died tho

I have no idea, but I’m grateful :woman_shrugging:

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Then continue being greatful. I just don’t wanna die, and I really want Mercenary to die.