Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!


Welcome to Neutral Showdown 2! A Free For All game where everyone is a Neutral Killer! Make alliances and betray your friends to reach the last three players standing!

Note for everyone that played the first neutral showdown: the premise is the same as the first time, but a lot of changes have been made to all classes. Most RNG effects were removed as well as all previous game-breaking interactions (hopefully), and the following classes were removed: The Leprechaun, The Cheater, The Diplomat, The Komodo and The Gunslinger.

The winners of this game will get one of the following steam keys as a prize!:

  • Overcooked
  • NuclearThrone
  • Undertale
  • Shantae and the Pirate’s curse
  • Hand of Fate
  • The escapists


  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules
  2. If you haven’t posted in the thread, in your classcard or on a private message for a while you will be prodded for inactivity. If you don’t respond to that prod in 24 hours, you will be force replaced.
  3. You may private message other players in the game, as long as you invite the host to the conversation.
  4. No angleshooting. This includes any attempt to gain info about the game from external sources.
  5. Do not screenshot or quote private host messages
  6. Players are not allowed to use big letters. These are reserved for the host.
  7. Do not post or like posts if you are dead or not in the game.
  8. Remember: its a game so have fun!

If you want to spectate, you must follow these rules:

  1. Do not share information about the game in any way.
  2. Do not post in the main thread
  3. Do not give likes to posts in the main thread
  4. If you want to discuss the game do it in the spectator chat. Any discussion outside of it is not allowed.


  • Days will be 24 hours long
  • Nights will be 24 hours long
  • Actions are done through your class cards
  • Lynches are done by plurality
  • Day 1 will last only until everyone confirms, there won’t be lynches that day and no one can use day abilities unless the ability specifies it can be used on Day 1.
  • To accuse someone say “/lynch [player]” or “/vote [player]”
  • At any point in the game you may private message other players in the game, as long as you invite the host to the conversation. All private messages must start with the “[NS2]” prefix to make them easier for me to find.
  • You cannot target yourself with an ability unless stated otherwise.
  • Players can only use one day ability each day and one night ability each night, unless stated otherwise.
  • The game ends as soon as there are 3 or less players alive. Everyone that survived until that point wins the game.
  • This game has normal notifications. Players may ask the host for the feedback of specific actions to aid them in fake claiming.
  • Classes do not flip on death
  • Self voting is allowed
  • Venom and bleeding bypass death immunity.
  • Night posting is allowed
  • Abilities with limited charges will lose a charge even if they are not succesful. Abilities with cooldown will go on cooldown even if they sre not succesful.
  • Day abilities may be delayed by a set amount of time, but you cannot queue them during nighttime or set triggers.
  • You cannot puppet the abilities of another player, even if they “allow” it.
  • Players are able to vote and target dead players, but it won’t have any effect unless the target has used “Disappearing Trick”.

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want



The Entertainer

Aw, you shouldn’t have! (Passive) - Each player may only reject your presents up to two times per game. After this, they will be forced to open them.
Bomb Present (Day) - Give a present to a player. They can choose whether they want to open it or not. If they open the present, they will die instantly. - Unlimited uses.
Birthday Present (Day) - Give a present to a player. They can choose whether they want to open it or not. If they open the present, they will be healed tonight. If someone rejects this present they will be occupied tonight. - Unlimited uses.
Magic Trick (Night) - Swap two players for the night. Can target yourself. - Unlimited uses.
Disappearing Act (Night) - You will appear dead to everyone in court for the next two days. You may still talk, vote, use abilities and be targeted by votes and abilities. (For the purpose of all abilities, you are considered alive. If you are still alive when the effect ends, you will appear to have revived) - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Elite

Cost Inflation (Passive) - Every time you use a “Hire” ability, the cost of all “Hire” abilities will increase by 1 permanently.
Wanted (Passive) - At the beginning of the game, you will be given the name of a class. If you target said class with Offer Protection or Hire Assassin you will be immune to occupation and redirection, gain 3 tokens and get a new target. If the target of “Wanted” dies you will get a new target.
Hire Bodyguard (Day) - Secretly halve all votes towards you for the rest of the day, rounded up. You will also heal yourself tonight. Can be used on day 1. - Unlimited uses, costs 0 tokens
Bounty (Day) - Announce to the court who is the target of your “Wanted” passive. All lynch votes against said class will be secretly doubled, and if they are lynched, anyone that voted against said player will get healed the following night. You will gain 1 token for every player other than yourself that voted them if they are successfully lynched. - 1 use.
Offer protection (Night) - Heal a player. If the heal is successful you will gain 3 tokens. - Unlimited uses.
Hire Assassin (Night)- Attack a player. If they are the target of “Wanted” you will recover the tokens you paid to use this ability. - Unlimited uses, costs 0 tokens.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Loan Shark
Insurance (Passive) - You are immune to death on Night 1.
Business Rivalry (Day) - Select two players. They won’t be able to win as long as the other lives. - 1 use.
Loan (Night) - Heal a player tonight. They will gain the “Repay Debt” ability. - Unlimited uses.

  • Repay Debt (Night) - If the loan shark would die tonight or tomorrow during the day by any means (including being lynched) you will die in their place, bypassing everything (except “Rewind” and “Foresight”). - 1 use. You cannot be prevented from using this ability. You will lose this ability after you use it. The uses of this ability cannot be increased in any way.

Collect Debt (Night) - Attack all players that still have the “Repay Debt” ability at the end of the night, bypassing healing and death immunity. Doesn’t count as visiting. - Unlimited uses.

The Count

Bribe (Passive) - You are immune to all attacks that don’t bypass death immunity and you are secretly immune to venom and bleeding until the end of Night 2.
Tyranny (Day) - Kill a player in plain daylight. The first time you use this ability you will publicly reveal as “The Count” - Unlimited uses.
Scandal (Day) - Kill a player in plain daylight. Another player of your choice will be revealed to the court as “The Count”. - 1 use.
Sow Discord (Night) - Select a player. Tomorrow, all votes against said player will be secretly doubled. If majority is reached on said player, your “Bribe” passive will be active for one more day and you will remove any venom or bleeding effects on yourself. - Unlimited uses.
Political Backlash (Night) - Select two players. If the first one would be lynched, the second one will die instead. Can target yourself (this isn’t affected by “Bribe”). - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Shaman

Voodoo Blessing (Passive) - At the beginning of the game, select between 0 and 5 nights (example: night 2, night 4 and night 5). You will heal yourself on those nights, but Voodoo Curse and The Evil Eye will lose 1 use for every night you picked.
Pact (Day) - Select a player and force a pact with them. Said player will also gain the benefits of your “Voodoo Blessing” passive. If you die by any means, said player will die as well, bypassing healing and death immunity. The target of your pact will be notified and will be told your class. - 1 use.
Voodoo Curse (Day) - Bleed a player. They will die in 2 days unless healed. - 5 uses
Voodoo Ritual (Night) - Force a player to target another. You can force them to target you but not themselves - Unlimited uses.
The Evil Eye (Night) - Select a player. They cannot be healed tonight.- 5 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Twin, Eavesdrop

Special Bond (Passive) - A second twin will always roll, but you won’t know who they are. You are immune to death on night 1. All votes against you are secretly halved as long as your twin lives (rounded up).
Hide (Day) - Heal yourself tonight. If both you and your twin use this ability on the same day, it will fail. - Unlimited uses. Cannot be used if your twin is dead.
Eavesdrop (Day) - Select a player. You will get the last 3 messages they sent on any private chats you are not a part of. - 4 uses, shared with your twin’s Stalk.
Slash (Night) - Kill a player. If both you and your twin attack the same player the attack will bypass healing and death immunity. Your Twin is immune to this attack - Unlimited uses
Swap (Night) - Redirect anyone visiting you tonight to your twin. - 1 use
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Twin, Stalk

Special Bond (Passive) - A second twin will always roll, but you won’t know who they are. You are immune to death on night 1. All votes against you are secretly halved as long as your twin lives (rounded up).
Hide (Day) - Heal yourself tonight. If both you and your twin use this ability on the same day, it will fail. - Unlimited uses. Cannot be used if your twin is dead.
Stalk (Day) - Select a player. You will know who visited them last night and who they visited - 4 uses, shared with your twin’s Eavesdrop. Only one of the twins will have this ability.
Slash (Night) - Kill a player. If both you and your twin attack the same player the attack will bypass healing and death immunity. Your Twin is immune to this attack - Unlimited uses
Swap (Night) - Redirect anyone visiting you tonight to your twin. - 1 use
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The False Prophet

Prophecy of Plague (Passive) - Any attacks against you that don’t bypass death immunity will turn into a 1 day bleeding instead. Any venom effects on yourself will turn into bleeding instead.
Prophecy of Death (Day) - Select a player. Announce to the court that they will die tonight. Doesn’t count as a visit. Can be used on yourself, but won’t have any effect. - Unlimited uses.
Prophecy of War (Day) - Select a player. Announce to said player that they will die if they attempt to perform a night action. Doesn’t count as a visit. - Unlimited uses.
Foresight (Night) - If you would die tonight, delay said death by 2 nights. You will be notified if you delay a death this way. - 2 uses.
False Prophecy (Night) - Reverse the effects of tonight’s prophecy. Prophecy of Death will kill the target only if they are healed and Prophecy of War will kill the player if they don’t attempt to perform a night action - 3 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Beast Lord
Turtle Form (Passive) - You are immune to death at night once. If this passive protects you from an attack you will lose it and won’t be able to change back to it.
Morph (Day) - Change your passive to a different one. You will keep that passive until you change it again. - Unlimited uses. Can be used on Day 1.

Available passives:

  • Lion Form (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Spider Form (Passive) - You are secretly immune to bleeding/venom. Doesn’t heal you if you change to this passive while you were already bleeding/envenomed. You will be told when a bleeding/venom effect is blocked this way.
  • Turtle Form (Passive) - You are immune to death at night once. If this passive protects you from an attack you will lose it and won’t be able to change back to it.
  • Owl Form (Passive) - Occupy players that target you with day abilities, except for venom or bleeding. You will be told when an ability is blocked this way, and you will know which ability.
  • Eagle Form (Passive) - Votes to lynch you are secretly halved (rounded up).

Rampage (Day) - Your night ability will be instantly available tonight if its on cooldown. - 1 use.
Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a one-night cooldown.
Tame (Night) - Change your first night ability to a different one. You will keep that ability until you change it again. Unlimited uses.

Available night abilities:

  • Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Rhinoceros companion (Night) - Kill a player. Bypasses healing and death immunity. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Crocodile companion (Night) - Kill a player and anyone that visits them. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Bear companion (Night) - Occupy and kill everyone visiting you. 2 uses, has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Snake Companion (Night) - Occupy and envenom two players. They will die in 1 night unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.

Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Collector
Growing Research (Passive) - You become stronger as you kill people:

  • After killing 2 people with your abilities, you will be able to use two different day abilities on the same day.
  • After killing 3 people with your abilities, you will be able to use two different night abilities on the same night.
  • After killing 4 people with your abilities, you will be immune to occupation and redirection.
  • After killing 5 people with your abilities, “Collect” and “Homing missile” will bypass healing and death immunity.

Collect (Day) - Guess a player’s exact class. If you guess it right, they will be killed immediately and you will gain 1 use of your limited use abilities. - Unlimited uses.
Analyze (Day) - Select a player and up to three classes. You will be told if the player is one of those classes. - Unlimited uses.
Clone (Night) - Select a player. Redirect everyone visiting you tonight towards said player. If you are bleeding or envenomed, you will transfer it to said player with the same remaining duration. Everyone that dies due to this effect will count towards “Growing Research” - 1 use.
Homing Missile (Night) - Select a class. If that class is alive, you will attack said class tonight. - 0 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Matriarch
Maternal Love (Passive) - You are immune to death on Night 1.
Heir (Passive) - At the beginning of the game you may select a player. Said player will become your heir, they will be notified. If you die and your heir is still alive they will be notified that the matriarch died, and you will be able to use the following ability while dead:

  • Rebirth (Night) - Attack your heir. If you successfully kill them, you will revive. - 1 use. (If you are revived by any other means, this ability will be permanently disabled)

Lay Egg (Day) - Lay an egg inside someone. They will not be notified about it. Can be used on day 1. - Unlimited uses
Consume (Day) - Remove an egg from a living player in order to heal you and your heir tonight. - Unlimited uses
Hatch (Night) - Attack all players with eggs in them. This ability doesn’t count as a visit. - Unlimited uses.
Bite (Night) - Envenom a player. They will die in 1 day unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities. - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Royal Guard
Public Execution (Passive) - The first time you would be lynched, you will reveal yourself as the “Royal Guard” and lynch the last player that voted you instead.
Royal Edict (Day) - Select a player. They will gain the effects of “Reflect” and “Riposte” for today. They won’t be notified. - 1 use.
Reflect (Day) - Redirect anyone that targets you with a day ability today to themselves. - 4 uses, shared with “Riposte”.
Duel (Night) - Occupy a player and cause them to bleed. They will die in 1 night unless healed. - Unlimited uses.
Riposte (Night) - Redirect anyone that visits you to themselves. - 4 uses, shared with “Reflect”.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Time Mage

Rewind (Passive) - Prevent your first two deaths by any means, including being lynched.
Banish (Night) - Attack a player. - Unlimited uses.
Revive (Night) - Revive a player. If you die, they will die as well bypassing death immunity and healing. They will know who you are. - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Time Jailor

Accelerated Time (Passive) - From day 3 onwards, “Doomsday Clock” and “Final Countdown” will kill their targets in 1 day instead of 2. On day 5, you will gain 1 use of all your limited use abilities.
Doomsday Clock (Day) - Bleed a player. They will die in 2 days unless healed. - Unlimited uses.
Final Countdown (Day) - Select a player. If you are still alive in 2 days, said player will die, bypassing healing and death immunity. They are notified of this. - 1 use.
Timelock (Night) - Occupy a player and everyone that visits them. - Unlimited uses.
Time Cocoon (Night) - Occupy everyone visiting you and remove any venom or bleeding effects on yourself. - 3 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Time Warden

Wormhole (Day) - Select two players. As long as they both live, all players that target one of them will be redirected to the other, including day abilities. Can target yourself. The abilities of both you and your target are unaffected by this redirect. - 1 use
Prediction (Day) - Select a player. If they visit you tonight you will attack them - Unlimited uses
Vortex (Night) - Select a player and attack anyone that visits them - Unlimited uses.
Singularity (Night) - Heal yourself. You will be occupied during the following night. - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Exiled

Exiled Keeper (Passive) - You start the game with a free “Time shield” on night 1.
Time shield (Day) - Rewind time tonight in order to heal yourself. - 1 use.
Time Haven (Day) - Select a player. Said player will be immune to death at night as long as you live. They will be told your class. - 1 use. You cannot increase the number of uses on this ability in any way.
Doomsday Clock (Day) - Bleed a player. They will die in 2 days unless healed. Healing your own bleed won’t trigger Time heal’s ability refund. - 1 use.
Time Heal (Night) - Heal a player. If you successfully heal them you will get 1 use of all your limited use abilities. - Unlimited uses.
Banish (Night) - Attack a player. - 2 uses.
Vortex (Night) - Select a player and attack anyone that visits them - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Occultist

Shroud of Darkness (Passive) - You are immune to all attacks that don’t bypass death immunity and you are secretly immune to venom and bleeding, but votes to lynch you will be secretly doubled. If you are lynched, everyone that voted to lynch you will be healed the following night.
Ritual of Silence (Passive) - Whenever you successfully kill someone with “Shadow Echoes” you will gain 1 use of your limited use abilities.

Demonic Voice (Day) - Send an anonymous message to the court as the “Occultist”. - Unlimited uses.
Hide and Seek (Day) - Curse a player. Cursed players are unable to vote and use abilities, bypassing occupation immunity. The curse lasts until broken. - 1 use.
While cursed, players will gain the following ability:

  • Seek (Night) - Select a player. If that player is the one that cursed you, the curse will end. If they aren’t, you will die bypassing healing and death immunity. You can use this ability while cursed, and you cannot be redirected or prevented from using it in any way. - 1 use.

Shadow Echoes (Night) - Select a player. If they are lynched tomorrow, you will attack the first person that voted to lynch them besides you. - Unlimited uses.
Dark Whispers (Night) - Select a player. You will get all messages they sent on any private chats since the beginning of the day. - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Martyr

Holy Whispers (Passive) - You have access to dead chat.
Ritual of Salvation (Passive) - At the beginning of the game you may select two players as your ritual targets (they will be notified about this, but won’t know you). Whenever one of your ritual targets dies, you will gain 1 use of all your limited use abilities. If you die, your ritual targets will gain the following ability:

  • Resurrection (Night) - Revive a dead player and turn them into an Undead. They will know who you are. - 1 use

Purification (Day) - The target of tonight’s penitence will receive the effects of Contrition, Confession and Penance. - 1 use.
Penitence (Night) - Select a player. The effects of this ability are different depending on how many times you have used it on the same player (whether it was successful or not). Unlimited uses.

  • First time: Contrition - Heal both your target and yourself.
  • Second time: Confession - Occupy your target and force them to attack whoever they visit. (Has no effect on occupy immune players, you can’t be killed by this ability).
  • Three or more times: Penance - Attack the player, bypassing healing and death immunity.

Resurrection (Night) - Revive a dead player and turn them into an Undead. They will know who you are. - 1 use
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

Undead Class Card


Undead (Passive) - You will die in 3 days or when your master dies. This death bypasses everything.

  • Mind Control (Night) - Force a player to target another - 1 use.
  • Spook (Night) - Occupy a player. - 1 use.
  • Cut (Night) - Bleed a player for one night. - 1 use.
    Your goal is to make sure that your master wins

The Warlock

Elemental Ritual (Passive) - At the beginning of the game you may select two players as your ritual targets (they will be notified about this, but won’t know you). Whenever one of your ritual targets dies, you will gain 1 use of all your limited use abilities. If you die, your ritual targets will gain the following ability:

  • Unstoppable Onslaught (Night) - Kill a player, bypassing occupation, redirection, healing and death immunity. - 1 use. You cannot get any more uses of this ability in any way.

Blood Pact (Day) - Select a player and offer them a deal. If they accept it, you will both be healed tonight. Can be used on day 1. - Unlimited uses, can only be used on each player once.
Unstoppable Onslaught (Day) - You will become immune to occupation and redirection and your attacks will bypass healing and death immunity tonight (if used along with rampage it will only empower the attack against the main target and not its visitors) - 1 use.
Kill (Night) - Kill a player - Unlimited uses.
Rampage (Night) - Kill a player and everyone visiting them. - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Elementalist

Elemental Ritual (Passive) - At the beginning of the game you may select two players as your ritual targets (they will be notified about this, but won’t know you). Whenever one of your ritual targets dies, you will gain 1 use of all your limited use abilities. If you die, your ritual targets will gain the following ability:

  • Elemental Clone (Day) - Select a player. You will gain access to one of their abilities, depending on their class. (Said ability will have 1 single use, and you cannot increase the uses of said ability in any way. Some abilities may be modified from their original versions). - 1 use. You cannot gain extra uses of this ability in any way.

Morph (Passive) - You cannot use the same night ability twice in a row, unless “Elemental Discharge” is used.
Elemental Discharge (Day) - You can use all four abilities tonight. (Abilities gained with elemental clone won’t count) - 1 use.
Elemental Clone (Day) - Select a player. You will gain access to one of their abilities, depending on their class. (Said ability will have 1 single use, and you cannot increase the uses of said ability in any way). - 1 use. You cannot use this ability on the same player more than once.
Petrify (Night) - Occupy a player. You will be immune to occupation and redirection tonight. - Unlimited uses.
Ice Spike (Night) - Attack a player. You will know who visits you tonight. - Unlimited uses.
Soothing Water (Night) - Heal a player. You will also heal yourself tonight. - Unlimited uses.
Fire Rune (Night) - Players visiting your target will start bleeding and die in 1 day unless healed. Players that visit you will start bleeding and die in 1 day unless healed. - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

List of abilities you can copy with Elemental Clone:
Entertainer’s Disappearing act
Elite’s Bounty (you may choose target class)
Loan Shark’s Business Rivalry
Count’s Scandal
Shaman’s Pact
Evil Twin’s Swap (you may choose a target)
Good Twin’s Swap (you may choose a target)
False Prophet’s Foresight
Beast Lord, whichever night ability they last selected.
Collector’s Homing Missile
Matriarch’s Rebirth (You must select a player as your heir as soon as you get this ability. If you don’t do it before nighttime it will be chosen at random. You can only use this ability while dead)
Royal Guard’s Riposte and Reflect (have a single shared use so you can only use one of them)
Time Mage’s Revive
Time Jailor’s Final Countdown
Time Warden’s Wormhole
Exiled’s Time Haven
Occultist’s Hide and Seek
Martyr’s Resurrection
Warlock’s Rampage


The Rolelist consists of up to 20 of the above classes, depending on the number of players. There cannot be duplicate classes.


  1. Mercenary
  2. Margaret - DEAD
  3. Marcus_doodalee - DEAD
  4. H_hjasik - DEAD
  5. Meteoro - DEAD
  6. Bluestorm
  7. Isaac_Gonzalez - DEAD
  8. Icibalus - DEAD
  9. Boss110 - DEAD
  10. Gamerpoke - DEAD
  11. JaketheWolfie
  12. Cupcakeaj2 - DEAD
  13. Fireslol - DEAD
  14. Geyde - DEAD
  15. Soulshade55r - DEAD
  16. PoisonedSquid
  17. Maxwell - DEAD
  18. DatBird - DEAD
  19. Firekitten - DEAD
  20. Astand - DEAD


  1. Nerbins


  1. Flynn69
  2. NuclearCyborg
  3. WazzaAzza
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Also I’ve seen mixed feelings about letting players delay or queue their abilities. Should I allow this or not?

  • Let people delay and queue their abilities
  • Don’t let people delay and queue their abilities

0 voters


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I remember last time when I was lynched D1 as the Big Gumble because of stupid.
PTSD prevents me from flat-out joining.

There are no D1 lynches here :wink:

It’ll find a way.
It always does.
One of the few games I was initially town read at the start, I was medium and I hammered Memesky who was vengeful. Before the first night even started.

And most day abilities are disabled on D1 so no D1 dayvigs either

It’ll find a way, I know it.
I don’t even care if it’s mechanically impossible for me to die D1, I know it’ll happen.

What I’m saying is I suck at Mafia.


Because I’m a two-timing backstabber

I know that already.
What’s your point?



Okey dokey

Let’s a go

I’d let people delay, but not queue abilities.
Delaying can work to obfuscate the time of dayvig and stuff, but queue is a bit unsavory

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just so I can be clear.

I would join but I’m scared of getting evil twin and not having any mechanical fun so no

Also, forgot to mention it, but Evil Twin and Good Twin are no longer required to win together.

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I tried to keep the twins on the weak side when playing by themselves, since they are stronger when they ally.