Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

If you are the mage and we have to lynch you again tomorrow I will laugh

No Iā€™m not the mage

But The Martyr will revive me

I already told you iā€™m the komodo you dingus

I took recovery so i canā€™t even attack at night

Literally killing a vanilla town instead of a killer :eyes:

Nah The jokerā€™s a little bitch

And the IRS loses because I pay my taxes :^)


Day 1 has now officially started and will end in 24 hours. You may use day abilities now.

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Letā€™s start the day with a /vote Marl yes


Accused Votes Count
Marl Mercenary 1

A Prophet has announced Marcus_Dodaleeā€™s death.


A flip is comingā€¦

grabs popcorn

Communism! Joins Squid

Oh shnizzle, who it be?

Marluxion has died!

Almost forgot this game was flipless

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what is this madness

Goddammit, who are we supposed to lynch now?!

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Collector yeeted him, Iā€™m pretty sure.

ā€œI will kill this guy everyone is going to lynch anyway because I canā€