Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

They want all the pizza to burn!


Heā€™s bus driver


He died of the plague

ā€œLook at me, Marl claimed a class, time to kill him to have an extra ability of not dyingā€

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oh I forgot the passive
nvmd Iā€™m a door.

Iā€™m a bathtub

Iā€™m a sink

letā€™s make a ts4 household with all us


So itā€™s almost a god damn fact that Marl was indeed the Komodo.

Neutral post, not going in extent to be townread. Good post.

Voting for silly reasons worries me a bit, but I donā€™t think mafia would be obvious as that.

Same thing as above

Pressing people further even if a seemingly forced wayā€¦ I donā€™t like the ā€œseemingly forced wayā€.

Something about this post pings me off.

Even if their first post seemed very townie, Squid is a solid scumread.

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Are you trying to throw shade? Huh?

Ya dipnut, Iā€™m the towniest as town can be, anyone who thinks otherwise is a derpnut

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GUYS! Iā€™m a sheriff and I found mafia

Letā€™s kick em outā€¦


/Vote Ici


Plant, why are you so evil?

/vote Ici
Begone Mafia scum!

If ici delivers a 10/10 meme I will accept he is framed

What if he claims miller? :thinking:

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Then we vote him harder

Wouldnā€™t that be gamethrowing tho?