Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

Marg, it’s not like I am pro Marl.

I actualy dislike playing with him pretty often, cause people just dumb sheep him without thinking… but what you are doing rn is dumb anti-Marl as well, wich is… just the opposite extreame.

Don’t become something with what you are fighting.

Communism wasn’t much better than Tzars in Russia after all.

/vote Nerbins

May RNG help steer me true to lynch scum!

Communism became a meme

Tsars didnt

Get it riggt

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Is it worth to waste years of effort of thousnds people just to become a meme?

If so, I would rather keep playing overwatch.

But Overwatch has communist theoretical implementations too, if you’re trying to escape it you would have to sleep in a Queen size bed


Accused Votes Count
Solic Firekitten, Lightsin, PoisonedSquid, Nerbins, Astand 5
PoisonedSquid Solic, Geyde 2
Nerbins Mathblade 1

And here is what you got wrong about me Marg.

I’m not trying to escape.

I just don’t care.

I’m not playing Ovewatch for the communist, but I’m not gonna stop cause it is there.

So Marl can be communist if he wants to be, but that won’t affect amount of fun wich I’m taking form playing overwatch.

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This is sentence is suprisingly weird after rereading it.

Let’s make an we’ve fanclub

Voting for me is mean and Squid is therefore mean



/vote Nerbins

i have determined that he is meanie and meanie is bad

/vote Nerbins
Math is a legend and I shall believe in him

I’m overturning my conspiracy against you.

/vote Nerbins


Oh come on.

I am just a humble man :frowning:


Accused Votes Count
Solic Firekitten, Lightsin, Nerbins, Astand 4
PoisonedSquid Geyde 1
Nerbins Mathblade, Icibalus, Solic, PoisonedSquid 4