Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

How quickly the tide turns!

Oh I forgot
/vote Nerbins

I play DD too.
Please help me.

cold sweating


Accused Votes Count
Solic Firekitten, Lightsin, Nerbins, Astand 4
PoisonedSquid Geyde 1
Nerbins Mathblade, Icibalus, Solic, PoisonedSquid, Mercenary 5

Livi is warlock.

Why are we pushing Nerbins again?

So rng? Seriously? That’s it?

It was for me at the time of the vote.

I rng’d between a small pool and it came up Nerbins. Shockingly a wagon built.

Now it’s serious.

Join blessed RNG Light. :eyes:

Again rng. Why this again? I’d love an actual reason

Vs the person conning multiple groups?

I’ve had too much rng thanks to EA that I hate it


Did Nerbins just out you? :thinking:

Guy’s been pulling the wool over my eyes. He had it coming.

Hey Guys.

Solic is bad.
He’s been conning multiple groups.

Just a feeling. Mainly how convos are happening

I gotta go to work

Do you have proof of this? :thinking: Plus getting out a pariah would help noone. It’d be a weak lynch if you want to get rid of enemies. You just outed the role of someone fyi.

I’ll wait for Solic to pocket me again.

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