Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

I didn’t read the rules just the title

Never mind then.
Chrisis averted.

Isaac win condition is to get lynched no? So shouldn’t we help him later

no its to survive with 3 people

U sure?

Isaac it’s okay we are all open about being fools, you want to be lynched right?

yea its ok

Did you just copy and paste your rolecard

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Wait a minute.




everyones is the same so

That is the fasted modkill after confirmation I have ever seen.
Would be hilarious if he’s a twin.

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oh dang that sucks

@psychoneirik im dead oof

I didn’t know he was a NK! I thought he was a fool, this literally ruined my game experience and the game integrity we need a modkill

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I mean, it literally changes nothing, but the rules are the rules.
I’m fine either way with what happens to him.

This is a lowkey bastard game
I’m actually the Prince

He is not.
I am BD tho :’)

i was The Matriarch btw and I layed a egg on firekitten