Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

He’s a snake tho




I haven’t even talked to you tho noz

If I have you surely could invite others no? Wait you can’t.

Maybe cause we haven’t talked

Ur a snake tho don’t talk to me

Uh huh…

Confused firekitten is confused

Hisssz I’m speaking your language

hey noz

If you are going to call me a snake at least tell everyone what I did

Like I have no idea what you are talking about

I’m trying to get drama going omg this game is dryer than my dick in November

so I didn’t do anything?

Cause I’m confused

I literally haven’t been a snake


checks dms from kai

well yeah, figures

Chromes being dumb what did issac out as?

Matriarch I believe

Are you collector :thinking::thinking::thinking:


Guys, can you please unvote me?
Geyde is count.