Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

There is no equal mark in your thing.

Also, capital F is used for function notation, and function should usualy have arguments.
I mean, it might not, but then it would be just a number… okay I see.

Stil no equality mark here.


Guys, it’s night, should you guys not twilight post?

It’s not an equation tho


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There is no such thing as twilight posting

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We are straight up nightposting Squiddo

Then I could add any numbers and it would make sense, wich effectively makes it not a function.

My point stays.

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Ohhhhhh, I’m just tired and didn’t notice that, just woke up :stuck_out_tongue:

here here

Oh thats cool

We get to trick people and fake what night action we’ll do

We should lynch Merc next for “one of my guys”

He admits to have an aliance :’)

Twilight posting?

/vote Merc


omgf an alliance SOOO ORIGINAL who would have thought of that???

Oh, so they are not alliance?

So they are just people you want to trick, so you can win?

Ohh, so evil of you Merc :’)


What if we are all Town


Merc, why do you have an alliance. That’s illegal

it’s not like everyone has a tenfold of them

Double lul