Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

I’m not town.

I’m BD.

Town is not allied with BD :’)




oh hi I’m hamlet

I am an IC fool

I’m a Hunter turned into Jan Haus converted into Citizen

I mean, I don’t have tenfold.

I joined late so most of allies I trust in were already taken.
Wich is sad…

I’m kinda on my own for most of the time till some spot frees.

Actualy, repeating:

Free filler to you alliance, eevee is for a take.

so you have people to trust
t-that’s so awesome

There are people who I WOULD trust, but they already made aliances so… ehhh…


hugs and cries

I will laugh if I solo carry to final 3, lel.

But yeah.

Merc, you see… people with alliances are a problem to me.
Removing one from alliance like that… and I have a possible spot to join.

Thanks to everyone that didn’t want to murder me. To the rest, it’s not smart to hold grudges in this gamemode.

m-my Haus…

Game WTF
I got jailed
@psychoneirik wtf is this game
I came for neut showdown not GD remix

Ugghhhhhhh I swear

Fuck this bullshit I’m just gonna sleep

I heard someone smelt like cheddar cheese.

That’s known as an expression

X+2 for example is an expression
X+2 is an equation

Bad Math, stop.

I’m programmer, I know this, but I lack the english words for math.