Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

What the fuck

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He is a normal boy!

On weekdays…

Wwhatss wwwongg Luxy-senpai? Ifss yyou can’t stand the owwwwwwwo gett outta the sniffing clubb


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Hewwo, Luwwxy, dweed yowwwu wannt to gwett conwerted wwith PathOwOgen?

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  • Wait for more players
  • Doesn’t seem like more people will join, start it now

0 voters

Furries should click this

Then I’m not clicking it.

@psychoneirik gib me PGO so I can get revenge for that time he wiped out my scumteam as Ponce de Leon

Non furries should click this

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Why are they both Megolovania

sucks to be you i can’t watch it

If no one joins in the next few hours I’ll start this at 21, before more players start dropping out

How can you be both a furry and a non furry :thinking:

I’ll find a way

I always do

I clicked the non-furry link, I held down on the furry link and saw the video title.

:x: Doubt


Furries in a nutshell