Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!



Allow me to propose something

Why would someone make it so their could be no day abilities used today? When the potential for carnage was quite clear. The only reason I can think of is because they thought themselves would be caught in the crossfire


They know that people know their claim

I confirm

So, you were sent to the jail cellā€¦ who was the first to message.


/vote Eevee

I say Eevee just invited Lightsin to a dm and then said that they were jailed.

But then again Iā€™m assuming Iā€™m getting lynched so why waste time again?

Because that message was the only message we needed to see who was scum out of you two.

I still believe you are the collector just be honest about it.

Did you get a message from the host saying you were jailed

Yes, but he said I could speak outside the chat

Oh cool


Now that is a weird coincedenceā€¦

/revote Lightsin

Also funny how you had to wait for someone to ask you?

Lights probably mafia, most likely converted to surgeon

His first ability is probably ā€œDo surgery on a grapeā€

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I mean, I am only person who should be ofended by being called scum :ā€™)

Hm tbh not sure on who to vote

Doesnā€™t really matter

A jester claim used this last night. Change my mind