Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

/vote light @psychoneirik



@MathBlade may I have a heal friendo?

Kinda impossible with all day abilities stopped.

Oi, Gambler

If you want a free success heal, heal me. I’m envenomed

Why was that not the first thing you said today :thinking:


I think we already killed the Gambler

And everyother role cant heal at night really

Some are mutualistic healers.

I dont have a heal ability sorry

Oh hey there.

Hey. o7

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What makes you think I do or do not have a heal I neither confirm nor deny on my way home

Hey guys, how many policemen does it take to change a lightbulb

The whole department

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So you’re lying about being jailed.


Accused Votes Count
Lightsin Bluestorm, Firekitten, Solic, DatBird, Marcus, Wazza, Isaac 7
Wazza Lightsin 1

Hey Lightsin. You have until I go to work to answer the question either in thread or DM to my satisfaction or I vote you even if it’s hammers

Rip. Acting like they are good guys /bad guys here.

We’re all evil here. If you wanna hammer just hammer. /Vote lightsin