Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

There’s always pm’s but okay

So how’s your day going

Oh yeah didn’t read this.

I have 3 alliance here. Not sure which one to break. :thinking:

You aren’t suppose to say that


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I speak on behalf of all those who have multiple alliances.

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let’s be fair it’s everyone at the game.

New class ideas:A NK who knows the class of those who dies, maybe add more dead interaction + kills (can change how the kills work or make it conditional)

A tracking NK?

From your response I think we have to break our alliance. Rip our group chat with its 2 hour lifespan

Bin you will be terrible in big brother


Hey Celeste wanna form an alliance

Everyone tried teaming with merc
Killed his allies


Sure I die tonight anyways

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/vote Kai

I want Kai dead <3

kill them tonight

I want blood!

cant kill people

get someone else to do it

kai is the good twin btw

let’s get a colllector to bam bam

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I can 100% guarentee that Kai is good twin

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