Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

Yes, Nerbins, the Time Mage is here. :wink:

Morninā€™ fellers

Diplom@ here

I canā€™t wait for everyone to read the secret chats that led to this predicament.

/vote GamerPoke

You were supposed to die. How rude.

Good Turbo game btw, psycho

I approve

this should be 2 different abilities

one night kill and one night skip

op af

Shh. No dead posting.

says the reaper(whoā€™s undead)

Only OP in the right circumstances

And we were the right circumstances

thereā€™s a lot of ā€œright circumstancesā€ you couldā€™ve had

/vote Gamerpoke

Big shout-out to Astand who supplied me with a loan I never paid back, shout-out to DatBird who riposted Astandā€™s bribe so I could kill him for more ability uses, and shout-out to Geyde for randomly dropping dead for even more ability uses

How about @Solic and @BlueStorm pick someone to win with them and we end this now? Thereā€™s no way to stop this lockdown now.


Math and OTB win with Solic and I, as I would be willingly killed so they could make Final 3.

Hmm I would have killed OTB this night though. OTB didnā€™t really do much.

Oh, fair enough then

At least Poke did stuff tbf

Iā€™d rather win Blue - Math - me.

You know what Poke did though. I have no clue.

To be fair the lockdown could have been stopped by otb if he was a bit more active

And he did deceive you on his healing nights.

Poke and Math win with Solic alive, I die but still win cause Solic makes it?