Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

Stopped our kill one night.

His passive resolution is enough in my eyes.

tbh I planned time mage to have really powerful 1 time use abilities. Never expected someone to find a way to break the game.

Iā€™m fine with that Blue + me + Math + Gamerpoke.

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ā€œgain one useā€
ā€œgain one useā€
ā€œgain one useā€
ā€œgain one useā€
ā€œgain one useā€

Stupid Quote

ā€œI didnā€™t expect time mage to be opā€

Situations like this is why you plan in advance.

As in, before the game starts.

shut up and watch :stuck_out_tongue:

Can we get a list of classes if you want to declare these the victors then?


Sorry Marcus, we couldnā€™t have done it without you.

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Kind of an anticlimactic ending though, but gg

I feel bad that Marcus didnā€™t win with us.

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GG, collateral damage happens bois

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weak as shit

this was a fun game

Didnā€™t plan on winning

I was trying to cause chaos

I mean it wasnā€™t just pure chance We did many things for this to happen.

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iā€™m happy

the funny thing is I probably wouldā€™ve cancelled my day prophecy had I known it would have no effect on me. (The one where I prophed my own death on d1)

might be weak but he won though

Hi Happy Iā€™m Marcus your friendly neighbourhood guid :^)

Btw I was ready for this moment when it started

Math told me what was happening

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@BlueStorm when exactly did you plan alliance with DatBird?