Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

That’s not really my fault

like you can’t really blame me there

I know it’s not.

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:confused: Both you and Geyde were super skeptical going into my alliance chat. That’s why it didn’t work out. I was sincere at the start, but your posts gave me red flags like crazy.

I don’t know what gave you the impression that I was not sincere. Reputation? Or how I went into the chat?

Solic did you kill me

I just sped up time and you died through the bleed. It wasn’t intentional I swear. I legit read you as if you were my ally. I thought it would take 2 nights.

Ya you were my ally, i had to give my night ability to math for the heal tho

I was suspicious of you when you claimed supportive and then Occultist though. I don’t see him like that really.

I saw it as supporting my allies by giving them kill power :man_shrugging:

I would classify yours as social. When you have NK’s like The Martyr and The Diplomat, you aren’t much of a support.

Also our chat was quite dead, so I’m quite surprised that Marcus turned around and was key to Blue and mine’s plan.

You were too much of a good player to have picked me
As for Geyde idk

Why would I want to team up with other “classically good” players? They just backstab more in my mind and have more ally requests.

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I didn’t think so at the time @.@

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I’m sad that the two players most responsible for lynching me plus another person who voted me won.

Well you voted me out of the blue. :eyes: You weren’t even on my radar and you outed people, so it wasn’t too hard to flip it. I got momentum from other people’s votes on you though.

Geyde actually made me flip it from Squid to you, because they had made some kind of deal.

Dang it

I was trying to trap you by going to squid and telling them that solic was going to try to wagon you

Should have told them to go to max instead of Geyde
