Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

Ride or die


Oh hi Komodo

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A shaman.

Does it? A life for a life.

The pain of that death of humanity, for the K I T T Y.

Mine eyes have been scarred for all eternity, leaving thyself utterly unable to see.

Marl, what could possibly be the worst NK class here?

get fk he puts his kittos on fire

the kitty kat is worth ten eyes

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no please I have more cute Kat

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I have only 9 eyes.

Shutith the helleth up ye plebtard.

that’s unfortunate

Geyde wanna be in a town bloc and I won’t ever use it again?

Drunk, but musht shlur all their wordsh and periodically hic or elsh they are hic modkilled. They musht only ushe AtE. They will alsho randomly be asshigned a contract at the beginning of the game, who ish of the shame alignment, and have a mashon chat with them. If their contract diesh, they will die ash well. In adishun, they must post a mashive ash readlist by the und of the secund day or elsh they will die. The firsht pershon they vishit will alsho have to shlur their wordsh, hic and only ushe AtE or elsh they will die. They musht also have hic psychotic breakdownsh periodically, due to the alcohol. They have a 50 pershent chanshe of vishiting a random pershon, becaushe they cannot shee where they are going. They are immune to death at night, ash the evilsh pity this poor soul hic

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Where’s the contract?

I can’t see shit

I apologize.

Sign here


I claim spiritualist, binding my soul to Psychoneirik tonight

wow how’d you guess
i can’t even kill

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