Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

/vote Firekitten

He refuses to stop playing off site so he must be put down

uhh…I need an adult

I am an adult

Says who

Internal screaming

I’ve turned out fine so far

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If I don’t need an adult nobody does

I need an adult that’s not a gay 15 yr old

Says my Sixth Grade sex-ed class

If they’re 15 years old are they really an adult

Is it really a sex Ed class if it’s in the sixth grade

These are the types of questions that get you in jail


calls the police

Bitch I am da police

Police here what do you need

Kai is trying to assert sexual dominance over me


I…I’m a bottom lol

Then why did you want me to suck you off?

totally SFW forum btw

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