Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

/vote Solic
Get rid of the death tunneler
/vote Solic

Solic is definitely bad to trust

  • Wanted us to claim
  • Wanted to push agenda hard
  • Very formal when posting (insincere)

/vote Solic

You have something to say for yourself, slippery Solic?


@Solic memes?


Accused Votes Count
Solic Firekitten, Lightsin, Geyde, PoisonedSquid, Nerbins, Astand 6

What’s majority?

It’s plurality.

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Oh, I thought it was both.
So now we wait.

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Hissssss, I’m slithering out of this.

Snake! throws pokeball

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You can’t do that here


Maaaaaaaan, when you get BD in nk-full game :’)




Now that noone trusts me anymore due to this slander, Am I really a good target now? Noone wants to ally with a reaper. :thinking:

Snake or Squid? Squid will sheep anyone whose name gets thrown out. That could include you. She’s a loose cannon. :eyes:

/vote Squid

I know what you’re trying to do, you filthy snake, trying to throw the blame on me isn’t going to work

FK + Squid team?


/vote Squid

Lonely eevee is searching for a teammates

No, I don’t have reiliable kill power
Yes, I am somehow able to protect others.

Not saying more.

I’m obviously physician