Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

Close enough

EmilLast Thursday at 9:23 PM
The selected option was dual boot

MmmuuuzzzyyyrrreeelllaaaLast Thursday at 9:23 PM
this is nondefragment
thatā€™s why I did not understand

EmilLast Thursday at 9:23 PM
something like

MmmuuuzzzyyyrrreeelllaaaLast Thursday at 9:23 PM
it is partitioning

EmilLast Thursday at 9:23 PM
I do not remember the word

yes it has a nice gradient

I mean it is the newest one


I donā€™t remember partitions type, but Iā€™m fairly sure neither of them sounds any standard?
Or am I wrong?

Did he split a partition, change file format and tried to run windows on it?

Should be

I donā€™t think those are ubuntu partitions

Iā€™m more familiar with disk0s1 etc

but then again I booted linux with mac not windows

So I need to look this stuff up because I donā€™t know windows disk stuff

I meanā€¦ he had a windows before.
Still doesnā€™t sound like any windows format either butā€¦ ehhhā€¦

Thr pbolem is if he splited partitions correctly and next if the dualboot was set up correctly.
Butt when you insatll ubuntu ON windows, it should set up dualboot automaticly on grub if Im right.

I still have the windows system files (including my documents in the windows computer and the windows folder) accessible by the Ubuntu
I just canā€™t boot windows

It should be on GNU grub

Yeah, either grub is not detecting them or you screwed up file format.

I was checking a video and I think that I selected this option

prob second option

okay how much of your memory did you partition?

40 GBish for linux

ntfs is windows file format.

Linux has like ext4.

itā€™s not a problem with partition size then

Linux is working tho.

How much did you leave for Windows?

My brain hurts.

I canā€™t computers.

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