Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

I’m Beast Lord. There u go. - Lightsin
I would’ve wanted merc and isaac dead but I was in jail… - Lightsin

Just an extra note for you @Mercenary and @Isaac_Gonzalez to possibly… hide.

Yet that further proves I was jailed

They’d be dead had it been not for me in jail

Merc was one of my blackmailers. I woul’ve Wanted to make sure they died. Yet they’re alive. So what else protects them from dying?

Your jail could’ve been real, but it still proves that you want to kill as many people as you can.

You are a threat to everyone here, besides why would you claim to someone at random who just wants your class.

More chaos

I also have a theory…

Firekitten and Lightsin are working together.

Ici too! munches popcorn

And threat to everyone here? Hahahahaha

What about time jailor? Day abils are a thing and they’re a threat

Gee, 25 slots for 25 NKS

Wonder how that’s worked out :man_shrugging:

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I like this theory except the fact that I’m voting them. They were actually jailed tho

Also you started this train on you thinking I’m faking being jailed. I’ve proved you wrong. Now you’re just bsing me to kill me

I’d like to know how you know they were “jailed” cause it makes 0 sense to me.

As in, it’s impossible.


Exactly correct of what happened

munches more popcorn

Ahahaha, but here’s the thing, The Collector is one of the biggest threats to everyone.

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So voting me yet working together?


Do not ask me HOW this works

I have literally zero idea how this makes sense

And a class that can stop all day abilities isn’t?


Accused Votes Count
Lightsin Bluestorm, Wazza, Firekitten 3

literally the funniest thing ever happened last night