Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

It would also explain why Marl died so quickly in the game.

So your saying that I got marl teamed up with me and insta killed? Damn, Iā€™m cold but not that cold.

Though I have to admit Iā€™m giving you plus points for the thoughtfulness of this

Even I donā€™t think that hard

Also, itā€™s funny because, Lightsin showed up suddenly after Marls death.

Also I said you teamed up before the game, you didnā€™t even expect to do this to Marl either.

And so did merc, but Iā€™m sus here

Also before the game? Man you give me way too much credit, I donā€™t think that far ahead

You are sus for your fake claim, you arenā€™t Beast Lord.

Admit your true class, now.

Iā€™ve had enough of that

/vote Wazza

Plus it seems I donā€™t even need to do it

Also you started this wagon based on thinking I lied on jail, but it turns out Iā€™m not. Even you admitted I might. Now itā€™s just being held on by you spewing random stuff.

Plus it doesnā€™t even matter what I say, your gonna exe me no matter what


Accused Votes Count
Lightsin Bluestorm, Wazza, Firekitten, Solic 4
Wazza Lightsin 1

Can I just ask what class do you think jailed you because I dont remember reading one in the class cards. So if theres a new threat it would be appreciated to know about it.

Prince obv. No other class can jail. Which means itā€™s a bastard game

The funny part is, you dived yourself into a deeper hole. You lied about your class, and possibly telling us the truth lead you into telling us the lie.

Maybe I dug deep. Maybe I fucked up. That still doesnā€™t make you right though

The evidence of you being collector is all there.

Also @Kirefitten explain how you knew Lightsin was jailed.

But the problem is there is no prince in the class cards and psycho has been pretty active in chat with VC, so I highly doubt there is a prince in play. Thus I cant trust the jailing.
/vote Lightsin

I can confirm he was jailed as well actualyā€¦ :ā€™)

Explain how you can confirm.

How does psychronerik being active confirm no prince? Explain