Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

Apparently it’s a different prince class. Eevee claimed prince, ask her

I’m confused was eevee in jail or were they copying something you sent them

So wait

Are you saying that Eevee is this bastard thing or something? Why would HE have it?

No, you’re getting off track. This started cause I’m lying about jailed and now you’re just bsing this

I don’t know everything about the universe. Ask them about it

@eevee care to explain?

Also I like this as a post

Just because something is “presented” as jail talk, doesn’t mean it IS.

Plus you’re only allowed to send ONE message between each other.

This infers an entire conversation.

So in summary: There’s no Prince.

That’s one of the messages. As I said, they copied and pasted

First Astand claims you are a healer and you are protecting, leading into this “blackmailing”, (which doesn’t make sense)

Then Astand dies while you were… “jailed”, and now you suddenly aren’t a healer?

Then you lie about being Beast Lord and take 30 seconds away, trying to guess my class, which made you find out that day abilities are disabled for the day, then you also admitted you wanted to kill both Merc and Isaac.

So everyone that dies now is a reason to execute me? First marl, now Astand?

Also yes I admitted I wanted to kill them. Why would I kill someone else then? Your logic is making no sense

Regardless of whether or not Lightsin is telling the truth here (which he isn’t, and eevee isn’t alongside it), everything he’s said leading up to this has been false, as far as I can see.

If you’re currently aligned with Lightsin, watch yourselves. This blatantly shows he cannot be trusted.

/vote Lightsin even harder

The thing is… I don’t think you killed anyway, or COULD kill anyone unless it’s during the day.

I also believe you have 2 uses of Clone right at this moment and planned to use it on Astand.

Or 1 use if you used it last night, maybe 2 if the jail is real.

Don’t even entertain this thought, man.

It’s quite clearly not true.

It’s about convincing host that BD victory would be fun in NK-full game :’)

So you lied about being a Jailor?

No, I’m actually really BD :’)

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To be exact, to tell you whole story.

Ici and his team were planning to blackmail Light to kill me.

Firekitten warned me like a good student. I told them I am prince and they didn’t believe it.
Telling they will fund me 10 pizzas if I’m telling truth this time.

Later on Lights was jailed and he said taht during night.
Light outed it’s Astand, Merc and Icibalus who plan to kill me and they blackmailed him.

Light survived and I bought few favors to destroy Ici’s team.
You can blame me for buying people to kill Astand and Icibalus.

Merc apologized so I’m fine with him for now.

It’s funny to know what happened at night and look at you being confused :’)

Except this can’t be true, Astand was on my team and not yours! I know I was never apart of the blackmailing plan!


He wasn’t mine either.

Plus do you really expect people to be on only one team?

Ping merc if you want to hear the story about blackmail.
I got info I wanted about it last night.