Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!


it changes the interaction with time mage and diplo

Except me, I donā€™t think I deserved it tbh

Imagine reviving ten people

You didnā€™t win

You survived

The title would like to argue

He did successfully lie to you. Thatā€™s worth something. FFAā€™s always have tough winner scenarioā€™s

I mean yeah true

It just felt cool and apropos to say

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The only worthy thing I did was change my heal time so ye, all I did was survive lol

I was surprisingly truthful to everyone though. The only thing I didnā€™t tell people about was my alliance with Blue and all the info I got through him, so it would not be discovered. Didnā€™t make up any false rumours or false info either.

Sees Time Mageā€™s Time Skip

Sees Diplomatā€™s Bounty



This was such a feelsbad moment.




I was about to say that the only lie I told was my class and actions relating to it

But I did tell Bird and Wazza that I allied Marg after I killed Astand

Wazza for some reason didnā€™t pick up on the fact that Marg died and I didnā€™t after a time skip


I donā€™t know why everyone went asap asap to share any info when it was a game of trusting none

I didnā€™t :smiley:

Ici shouldnā€™t have discovered me :frowning:

I really wanted Eevee to win. Iā€™m sad.

The reason Ici died was cause of the blackmail situation

Ici shoudnā€™t have discovered me in the first place because Bribe should also prevent the abilities being used passively against me
So the blackmail would have NEVER happened

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