Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!


Welcome to Neutral Showdown! A Free For All game where everyone is a Neutral Killer! Make alliances and betray your friends to reach the last three players standing!


  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules
  2. If you haven’t posted in the thread, in your classcard or on a private message for a while you will be prodded for inactivity. If you don’t respond to that prod in 24 hours, you will be force replaced.
  3. You may private message other players in the game, as long as you invite the host to the conversation.
  4. No angleshooting. This includes any attempt to gain info about the game from external sources.
  5. Do not screenshot or quote private host messages
  6. Players are not allowed to use big letters. These are reserved for the host.
  7. Do not post in the main thread or like posts if you are dead or not in the game.
  8. Remember: its a game so have fun!

If you want to spectate, you must follow these rules:

  1. Do not share information about the game in any way.
  2. Do not post in the main thread
  3. Do not give likes to posts in the main thread
  4. If you want to discuss the game do it in the spectator chat. Any discussion outside of it is not allowed.


  • Days will be 24 hours long
  • Nights will be 24 hours long, may end early if all actions are submitted
  • Actions are done through your class cards
  • Lynches are done by plurality
  • To accuse someone say “/lynch [player]” or “/vote [player]
  • At any point in the game you may private message other players in the game, as long as you invite the host to the conversation
  • You cannot target yourself with an ability unless stated otherwise.
  • Players can only use one day ability each day and one night ability each night, unless stated otherwise.
  • Last 3 players standing win the game
  • This game has normal notifications. Players may ask the host for the feedback of specific actions to aid them in fake claiming.
  • Classes will not flip on death
  • Self voting is allowed

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want



The Entertainer

No, thanks! (Passive) - You are immune to any negative effects from your own presents.
Birthday Present (Day) - Give a present to a player. They can open it or force someone else to open it. The present will randomly have one of the following. You will know what the present had:

  • First-Aid Kit: The player will be healed tonight.
  • Gun: The player will be able to instantly shot a player of their choice, killing them.
  • Battery Pack: The player will gain 1 use of all their limited use abilities.
  • Barrier: The player will become immune to occupation and redirection tonight.
  • Knife: The player will start to bleed, dying in 1 day unless healed.
  • Empty Box: The player will lose 1 use of all their limited use abilities.
  • Wine: The player will be occupied tonight.
  • Bomb: The player will die instantly.

Teleport (Day) - Swap two players for the day. Any day abilities used on them will instead affect the other. Can target yourself. - Unlimited uses.
Magic Trick (Night) - Swap two players for the night. Players visiting one of them will instead visit the other. Can target yourself. - Unlimited uses.
Disappearing Trick (Night) - Attack a player. - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Leprechaun

Four Leaf Clover (Passive) - At the start of the game, you will get 4 random abilities from any of the other classes in the game. The abilities will have a limited amount of uses. (Some of the abilities might be slightly different from the originals)
Good Luck Charm (Passive) - You can use 3 abilities per cycle. (For example, 1 day ability and 2 night abilities or 3 day abilities and 0 night abilities, etc).
Reroll! (Night) - At the end of the night, you will reroll all of your current abilities for new ones (except for “Reroll!”). - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Gambler

Place your bets! (Passive) - You start the game with 1 token. You can use as many “Bet” abilities as you want, as long as you have enough tokens. (You cannot use the same ability multiple times, except for “Risky Bet”)
Token Bet (Day) - Bet any number of tokens. You have a 50% chance to double them and a 50% chance to lose them. If you win, you will also permanently increase the chance of “Risky Bet” by 5% for every token you bet.
Safe Bet (Day) - You will become immune to day abilities today and heal yourself tonight. - Unlimited uses, costs 0 tokens to use, the price increases by 1 token each time you use this ability.
Risky Bet (Day) - Attack a player. You have a 15% chance for the attack to be successful. This ability can be used multiple times per day as long as you have enough tokens. - Unlimited uses, costs 1 token.
Offer protection (Night) - Heal a player and gain 1 token. If the heal was successful you will gain 2 extra tokens and the chance of “Risky Bet” will permanently increase by 10%. - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Cheater

Ace under the Sleeve (Passive) - You start the game with 1 “Special Token”.
Cheating Death (Passive) - If you would die at night by any means, you will prevent the attack and lose 1 Special Token instead.
Desperate Bid (Day) - Reveal your class to the court and prevent them from voting you today. - Costs 2 Special Tokens.
Raise the Stacks (Day) - You will become immune to occupation and redirection and your “All-in” ability will bypass healing tonight. - Costs 1 Special Token.
Deadly Bet (Night) - Select up to two players, if they die tonight or tomorrow during the day you will gain 1 “Special Token” for each. - Unlimited uses.
All-in (Night) - Use any number of your special tokens in order to attack a number of players equal to the tokens spent + 1. - Unlimited uses. You may use this with 0 tokens to kill 1 player.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Loan Shark
Spare Change (Passive) - You start the game with 2 tokens. You may use both night abilities on the same night.
Loan (Day) - Give a player 1 use of all their limited use abilities. They will become “in-debt”. - Unlimited uses.
Collect (Day) - Disable the abilities of all “in-debt” players until tomorrow and gain 1 token for each player affected. They will no longer be in-debt. - Unlimited uses.
Hired Gun (Night) - Bleed a player, they will die in 2 days unless healed. This ability has different effects depending on the amount of tokens you currently have - Unlimited uses

  • 1 or more tokens: The player will die in 1 day instead.
  • 2 or more tokens: You will attack the player instead of bleeding them.
  • 3 or more tokens: You cannot be occupied or redirected when using this ability
  • 4 or more tokens: You will bypass healing
  • 5 or more tokens: You will be able to target two players

Bribe (Night) - Select a player. Redirect everyone visiting you to said player and transfer any bleeding or venom effects on yourself to them (their duration will be reset). - Unlimited uses, costs 1 token.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Count

Bribe (Passive) - You will be immune to the first 4 abilities that would affect you either directly or indirectly (whether good or bad).
Tyranny (Day) - Kill a player in plain daylight. The first time you use this ability you will publicly reveal as “The Count” - Unlimited uses.
Sow Discord (Night) - Select a player. Tomorrow, all votes against said player will be secretly doubled. - Unlimited uses.
Political Backlash (Night) - Select two players. If the first one would be lynched, the second one will die instead. Can target yourself (this isn’t affected by “Bribe”). - 3 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Shaman

Pact (Passive) - At the beginning of the game, select between 0 and 4 nights (example: night 2, night 4 and night 5). You will heal yourself on those nights, but Voodoo Ritual and Voodoo Curse will lose 1 use for every night you picked.
Soul Link (Day) - Select two players. If one of them dies during the next night, the other will commit suicide (suicide can be healed. This ability doesn’t count as a visit). - Unlimited uses.
Voodoo Curse (Day) - Make a player believe they are bleeding - 5 uses
The Evil Eye (Night) - Select a player. If they would be healed tonight, they will die instead. - Unlimited uses.
Voodoo Ritual (Night) - Force a player to target another. You can force them to target you or themselves. - 5 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Evil Twin

Special Bond (Passive) - You know who your twin is.
Slash (Night) - Kill a player. - Unlimited uses.
Psycho protector (Night) - Heal your twin tonight. Everyone that visits your twin tonight will die. - 3 uses.
Your goal is to make sure you or your twin are between the last 3 players alive

The Good Twin

Special Bond (Passive) - You know who your twin is. If your twin dies, you will turn into the Evil Twin.
Distract (Night) - Occupy a player. You cannot target the same player your twin is trying to kill. - Unlimited uses.
Smart Protector (Night) - Occupy everyone visiting your twin and remove any bleeding or venom effects on them. - 3 uses
Your goal is to make sure you or your twin are between the last 3 players alive

The False Prophet

Prophecy of Plague (Passive) - Any venom effects on you will turn into bleeding instead.
Prophecy of Death (Day) - Select a player. Announce to the court that they will die tonight (can be healed). Doesn’t count as a visit. Can be used on yourself, but won’t have any effect. - Unlimited uses.
Prophecy of War (Day) - Select a player. Announce to said player that they will die if they attempt to perform a night action. Doesn’t count as a visit. - Unlimited uses.
Foresight (Night) - If you would die tonight, delay said death by 2 nights. You will be notified if you delay a death this way. - 4 uses.
False Prophecy (Night) - Reverse the effects of tonight’s prophecy. Prophecy of Death will kill the target only if they are healed and Prophecy of War will kill the player if they don’t attempt to perform a night action - 3 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Beast Lord
Turtle Form (Passive) - You are immune to death at night once. If this passive protects you from an attack you will lose it and won’t be able to change back to it.
Morph (Day) - Change your passive to a different one. You will keep that passive until you change it again. - Unlimited uses.

Available passives:

  • Lion Form (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Spider Form (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding/venom. Doesn’t heal you if you change to this passive while you were already bleeding/envenomed. You will be told if someone attempts to bleed/envenom you.
  • Turtle Form (Passive) - You are immune to death at night once. If this passive protects you from an attack you will lose it and won’t be able to change back to it.
  • Owl Form (Passive) - You are unaffected by day abilities, except for venom or bleeding. You will be told when someone tries to use a day ability on you, and which ability.
  • Eagle Form (Passive) - Votes to lynch you are secretly halved (rounded up).

Rampage (Day) - Your night ability will be instantly available tonight if its on cooldown. - 1 use.
Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a one-night cooldown.
Tame (Night) - Change your first night ability to a different one. You will keep that ability until you change it again. Unlimited uses.

Available night abilities:

  • Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Rhinoceros companion (Night) - Kill a player. Bypasses healing. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Crocodile companion (Night) - Kill a player and anyone that visits them. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Bear companion (Night) - Occupy and kill everyone visiting you. 2 uses, has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Snake Companion (Night) - Envenom up to two players. They will die in 2 nights unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.

Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Collector
Collect (Day) - Guess a player’s exact class. If you guess it right, they will be killed immediately and you will gain 1 use of “Clone”. - Unlimited uses.
Analyze (Day) - Select a player and three classes. You will be told if the player is one of those classes. - Unlimited uses.
Clone (Night) - Select a player. If you would die tonight by any means, said player will die in your place (bypasses healing). If you are bleeding or envenomed, you will transfer it to said player with the same remaining duration. - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Matriarch
Maternal Love (Passive) - You are immune to death on Night 1.
Lay Egg (Day) - Lay an egg inside someone. They will not be notified about it. - Unlimited uses
Consume (Day) - Remove an egg from a player in order to heal yourself tonight. - Unlimited uses
Hatch (Night) - Remove all eggs from all players and attack them. This ability doesn’t count as a visit. - Unlimited uses.
Bite (Night) - Envenom a player. They will die in 1 day unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities. - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Komodo
Evolve (Passive) - You start with 2 evolution points. At the end of each night, you will gain 1 evolution point. At any point in the game you might DM the host to exchange your evolution points for abilities. (You can buy the same ability more than once in order to gain 1 extra use of it.)
These are the abilities that Komodo can buy:
1 Evolution point each:

  • Constrict (Night) - Attack a player. - 3 uses.
  • Venomous bite (Day) - Envenom a player. They will die in two days unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities until its healed. - 4 uses.
  • Confusing Venom (Night) - Select two players. All players targeting one of them will be forced to target the other. Can target yourself. - 3 uses.

2 Evolution points each:

  • Recovery (Night) - Heal yourself. - 3 uses.
  • Tooth and nail (Night) - Occupy a player tonight and envenom them. The venom will kill them in one night unless healed. Envenomed players are unable to use day abilities. - 3 uses.
    Double Fang (Day) - You will be able to use up to two night abilities tonight. - 2 uses.
    Venomous Skin (Day) - Become immune to day abilities today, and whoever attempts to use a day ability on you will become envenomed and die in 2 days unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities.- 2 uses.

3 Evolution points each:

  • Crippling Screech (Night) - Select a player. If they are bleeding or envenomed you will attack them, bypassing healing. - 3 uses.
  • Fatal Fang (Day) - The target will be afflicted with a fatal venom that will disable their day abilities and kill them in 1 day. Cannot be healed. - 2 uses.
  • Noxious Fumes (Night) - Select a player. Anyone that visits them tonight will become envenomed and die in one night unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities. - 3 uses.

Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Royal Guard
Public Execution (Day) - Reveal yourself as the Royal Guard in order to kill a player that has voted you and instantly end the day. - 1 use.
Learn (Day) - Prevent all day abilities that would target you today and gain a copy of all abilities prevented this way. They will have 1 use. If you successfully learn an ability, you will be able to use a second day ability today… - 3 uses.
Duel (Night) - Occupy a player and cause them to bleed. They will die in 1 night unless healed. - Unlimited uses.
Riposte (Night) - Redirect anyone that visits you to themselves. - 3 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Gunslinger
Guts (Passive) - You start with 1 stack of “Guts”. If you would die by any means other than lynching you will prevent said death and lose 1 stack of “guts” instead.
Russian Roulette (Day) - You have a 1/6 chance of killing yourself, bypassing your “Guts” passive. If you survive, you will gain 1 stack of “Guts”.**
Quick Shot (Day) - Kill a player. - Unlimited uses. Can only be used if you have 2 or more stacks of “Guts”.**
Crippling Shot (Night) - Make a player bleed, they will die in 1 day unless healed. - Unlimited uses. Can only be used if you have 1 or more stacks of guts.**
Triple Shot (Night) - Select up to 3 players. Each player will have a 10% chance of dying for every stack of guts you have. (Doesn’t count as a visit) - Unlimited uses. Can only be used if you have 3 or more stacks of guts.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Diplomat

Alliance (Passive) - At the beginning of the game select a player as your ally. If your ally dies (except from “Betrayal”), you will die as well.
Bounty (Day) - Put a bounty on a player’s head (They will be notified). If your ally successfully kills them today or tonight they will gain 1 use of all their limited use abilities. - 3 uses.
Speech (Day) - Prevent your ally from being voted today - 1 uses.
Protectorate (Night) - Heal both yourself and your ally tonight. - 3 uses.
Betrayal (Night) - Attack your ally. If you successfully kill them you will be able to choose a new ally and you will gain 1 use of all your limited use abilities. - 3 uses.
Your goal is to make sure you or your current ally are between the last 3 players alive.

The Time Mage

Rewind (Passive) - Prevent your first two deaths by any means other than lynching.
Fast-Forward (Day) - Instantly end the Day, skipping the lynch phase. - 1 use
Time Stop (Day) - Prevent everyone from using day abilities today. - 1 use.
Banish (Night) - Attack a player. - Unlimited uses.
Time Skip (Night) - Attack a player, skip the night and prevent everyone from using any night actions (bypasses any kind of occupation or prevention immunity) - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Time Jailor

Doomsday Clock (Day) - Bleed a player. They will die in 2 days unless healed. - Unlimited uses.
Final Countdown (Day) - A player of your choice will die in 2 days. Cannot be healed. - 1 use.
Timelock (Night) - Occupy a player and everyone that visits them. - Unlimited uses.
Time Cocoon (Night) - Occupy everyone visiting you and remove any venom or bleeding effects on yourself. - 4 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Time Warden

Singularity (Day) - Everyone that targets you with a day ability today will be prevented and killed. - 2 uses.
Black Hole (Day) - Occupy and kill everyone visiting you tonight. You will also remove any bleeding or venom effects on yourself. - 2 uses.
Vortex (Night) - Select a player. Anyone that visits them will die. - Unlimited uses.
Banish (Night) - Kill a player. - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Exiled

Exiled Keeper (Passive) - You start the game with a free “Time shield” on night 1.
Time shield (Day) - Rewind time tonight in order to heal yourself. - 1 use.
Doomsday Clock (Day) - Bleed a player. They will die in 2 days unless healed. Healing your own bleed won’t trigger Time heal’s ability refund. - 1 use.
Time Heal (Night) - Heal a player. If you successfully heal them you will get 1 use of all your limited use abilities. - Unlimited uses.
Banish (Night) - Attack a player. - 2 uses.
Vortex (Night) - Select a player. Anyone that visits them will die. - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Occultist

Shroud of Darkness (Passive) - Immune to death during the first night.
Ritual of Silence (Passive) - Whenever the target of “Dark Thoughts” is successfully lynched, you will heal yourself the following night and the number of votes from “Shadow Echoes” will permanently increase by 1.
Dark Whisper (Day) - Send an anonymous message to the court as “The Occultist” - Unlimited uses.
Shadow Echoes (Day) - Select a player and secretly add 1 extra lynch votes. - Unlimited uses.
Dark Thoughts (Night) - Select a player. If that player is lynched tomorrow, the first person that voted to lynch them (besides you) will die as well. - Unlimited uses.
Demonic Voice (Night) - Select a player. The first person they vote tomorrow will die instantly (they won’t be notified). If they vote you, the ability will fail. - 2 uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Martyr

Ritual of Salvation (Passive) - At the beginning of the game you may select two players as your ritual targets (they will be notified about this, but won’t know you). Whenever one of your ritual targets dies, you will gain 1 use of all your limited use abilities. If you die, your ritual targets will gain 1 use of all their limited use abilities.
Purification (Day) - The target of tonight’s penitence will receive the effects of Contrition, Confession and Penance. - 1 uses.
Penitence (Night) - Select a player. The effects of this ability are different depending on how many times you have used it on the same player (whether it was successful or not). Unlimited uses.

  • First time: Contrition - Heal both your target and yourself.
  • Second time: Confession - Occupy your target and force them to attack whoever they visit. (Has no effect on occupy immune players, you can’t be killed by this ability).
  • Three or more times: Penance - Attack the player, bypassing healing.

Resurrection (Night) - Revive a dead player and change their goal to “Make sure the Martyr wins”, they will know who you are. They cannot vote, be targeted by abilities or be lynched. They will die at the end of the next night, or earlier if you die. (Their limited use abilities will keep the same remaining number of uses they previously had) - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Warlock

Elemental Ritual (Passive) - At the beginning of the game you may select two players as your ritual targets (they will be notified about this, but won’t know you). Whenever one of your ritual targets dies, you will gain 1 use of all your limited use abilities. If you die, your ritual targets will gain 1 use of all their limited use abilities.
Blood Pact (Day) - Select a player and offer them a deal. If they accept it, you will both be healed tonight. - Unlimited uses, can only be used on each player once.
Unstoppable Onslaught (Day) - You will become immune to occupation and redirection and your attacks will bypass healing. (if used along with rampage it will only empower the attack against the main target and not its visitors) - 1 use.
Kill (Night) - Kill a player - Unlimited uses.
Rampage (Night) - Kill a player and everyone visiting them. - 1 use.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive

The Elementalist

Elemental Ritual (Passive) - At the beginning of the game you may select two players as your ritual targets (they will be notified about this, but won’t know you). Whenever one of your ritual targets dies, you will gain 1 use of all your limited use abilities. If you die, your ritual targets will gain 1 use of all their limited use abilities.
Morph (Passive) - You cannot use the same night ability twice in a row, unless “Elemental Discharge” is used.
Elemental Discharge (Day) - You can use all four abilities tonight. - 1 use.
Elemental Clone (Day) - Select a player. You will gain access to one of their abilities, depending on their class. (Said ability will have 1 single use, and you cannot increase the uses of said ability in any way. Some abilities may be modified from their original versions). - 1 use.
Petrify (Night) - Occupy a player. You will be immune to occupation and redirection tonight. - Unlimited uses.
Ice Spike (Night) - Attack a player. You will know who visits you tonight. - Unlimited uses.
Soothing Water (Night) - Heal a player. You will also heal yourself tonight. - Unlimited uses.
Fire Rune (Night) - Players visiting your target will start bleeding and die in 1 day unless healed. Players that visit you will start bleeding and die in 1 day unless healed. - Unlimited uses.
Your goal is to be between the last 3 players alive


The Rolelist consists of up to 25 of the above classes, depending on the number of players. There cannot be duplicate classes.


  1. Margaret - DEAD
  2. GamerPoke
  3. Nerbins - DEAD
  4. Lightsin DEAD
  5. Geyde - DEAD
  6. Techwolves - DEAD
  7. Marluxion - DEAD
  8. BlueStorm
  9. Mercenary - DEAD
  10. Solic
  11. Icibalus - DEAD
  12. Astand - DEAD
  13. Marcus_Doodalee - DEAD
  14. MaximusPrime - DEAD
  15. PoisonedSquid - DEAD
  16. Isaac_Gonzalez - DEAD
  17. Luxy - DEAD
  18. overthebin
  19. Mathblade
  20. WazzaAzza - DEAD
  21. DatBird - DEAD
  22. Livicus - DEAD
  23. Kai_5 - DEAD
  24. Firekitten - DEAD
  25. Eevee - DEAD


  1. cbman


@Margaret, @Gamerpoke @Nerbins @Lightsin @Pug @Blizer need you to confirm your pre-ins




/neutral show up







Expects to get Count again somehow


/I have a sword so technically I’m a neutral who kills so stuff is complicated


I’m praying to get royal guard

For the GD memes


@Margaret be my buddy

1 Like

Light, let’s win as Speed bois!

1 Like


1 Like



/in for meme purposes only
slank cover btw






Playing on Mobile, here I go.


good thing is that I don’t have to hunt for scum or focus on that.

I bet all my scumreads will be 100% Scum here