{Neutral Social}-The Leader

Passive 1-Resolute-Immune to occupation
Passive 2-Inspiring-Following your death members in the alliance will be unstoppable(Like they were empowered or frenzied)(Guarantees that the specials abilities would work)

Day ability 1-Recruitment-Convert someone to join your alliance-infinite uses-1 day cooldown-(This can be anyone except King)
Day ability 2-Channels-Talk to someone at night-Infinite uses(You will be shown as “Leader”)

Night ability 1-Ally-Send someone a contract making them say that they will work with you-Infinite uses(They can decline same as a merc contract)
Night ability 2-Charismatic-Have one of your members kill
Win condition-Have your alliance win the game

When someone becomes a member of your alliance it stops them from using their abilities on other members. Furthermore if your whole alliance gets wiped out those converted will lose regardless of their faction.So BD can win with MM if BD and MM are both converted.(Kind of like lovers mode in TOS)
Being converted doesn’t change your class at all it just opens up a chat for people in the alliance.
Now there are some changes I want but I need your suggestions to help me with it.
I wanted there to be a neutral social class that used networking to survive. It would use peace treaties and alliances to win the game.I don’t think this class really puts out what I was envisioning but I hope that someone can give me a suggestion.Basically there needs to be a downside for keeping him alive for everyone(Like Fools passive but has to be bad for Evils too) but also a reason for them to work with him.
(Also I got it I put it in the wrong category my bad -_-)

NightX is that you???

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Wrong catagory

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(Yeah this should probably be in #classes-roles)

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Don’t you mean category.



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