Hey guy’s today i just wanted to talk about the topic known as ‘executions’ basically i was thinking of executions not so i decided to suggest some executions anyways here we go
Bare hands- First of all you punch your target to break their jaw you will hear a crack sound then break their ribcage with a barrage of blows then start breaking their other bones at the end your target will be at the ground and you will lift him up and throw him to the ground breaking his bones.
The blood of mithras - You will gain red tentacles and start piercing them and skin their back alive then after that you will pin them to the ground with your red tentacles and start eating them up alive.
The dagger of Corax - You will summon a dagger made up off darkness and slit their throat open then stab their stomach and kick them to the ground breaking their skull.
Illusion knife -You will toss your target a knife and make them see illusions of them killing their loved ones and then they will commit suicide by stabbing themselves in the head and dying.
Anyways guy’s this all i have for today.