New neutral class Bastard

Here is my class suggestion that i fought about for some time and it seems good enought to discuss about.

Fraction: Neutral
Type: I would say special but if not then meybe offensive.

Win Objective: Survive to see everyone who started (the game) with Royal Blood (expect you) killed.

Grown on the streets- you are immune to death once. You will know who visited you the night you were attacked.

Royal Blood.

Day ability:
Father after all (2 uses) - listen to wispers from and to king.

Alerted (unlimited uses)- choose a player. At the beggining of the next day you will know if they have royal blood or if they are neutral.

Night ability:

Gossip (unlimited)- target a player if they have royal blood passive they will lose it. They will not know about it until they try stepping up in king vote. (may also occupie them or work like a mind warp whatever fits balance more)

A little trick (5 uses)- poison a player they will die in 2 nights. Player with Royal blood are not aware they were poisoned (still they can be healed).

Only “A little trick” counts as visiting. Bastard will become neutral king.

I fell like the ability to remove royal blood can get in the way of stepping up just to claim and even kill if somebody went all in to claim and then cant prove. Objective felt kind unseen/cult oriented but so is fool/scorned (hurting bd most) and i fell like evil side is on the defensive side for some time now.

Good concept. I would lower 5 uses to 3, because even assasin can’t make that much poison

No need for this, the new patch will prevent the whisper meta.