New "Thronepass" - Patreon Community Perks (Forum name colors, titles, flairs...)

What is Thronepass?


Now at our Patreon site @ ,

There are now 3 tiers that offer some extra community perks:

  • Exclusive titles
  • Exclusive flairs
  • Exclusive name colors
  • Discord, Forum, and Reddit perks
  • Beta testing access auto-grant
  • …Probably more things with the word “exclusive” later.
  • Exclusive access to #off-topic


Consider this sorta like Discord Nitro: The average person may not care about the perks, but they can be sorta cool and make you stand out – and, at the same time, you’d be supporting the Imperium42 devs (we split the donations).

This is just a small thing, but hope it’s fun~ Just an extra win-win community perk. We’ve actually had our Patreon for a while, now, but it’s been mostly focused on Discord.

Perhaps I’ll add Reddit later, too!

Topic pinned for 3 days (just press “X” once to permanently close it).

How to Link Patreon<>FoL

  • If you registered with the Patreon button, you’re ready.
  • If you linked your Patreon “Associated Account” in your profile settings area in the social linking area, you’re ready.
  • If you enabled 2FA, there seems to be a bug where you can no longer “link” accounts, so you’ll need to ensure your email must match between Patreon<>FoL.
  • Patreon syncs immediately when you donate, if you did one of the things above. If you do it later, then it won’t resync immediately (like once/24hr?).

:bulb: Saw this from global banner?

Read more here.

EDIT: If anyone crazy enough wants some perks for a higher-level tier, let me know and I’ll add something. For now, I just added these 3.

EDIT 2: Color perks are only available on a dark theme. If you aren’t using a dark theme, please cease reading this and simply delete your account :wink: /s

EDIT 3: Added color perks to light theme :stuck_out_tongue: and mod/admin ones to light theme, too, while I was there. You know, for anyone that secretly loves light theme, but would never tell.

EDIT 4: Added color previews.


in the background, a slight chanting can be heard

The ability to lock our own threads
The ability to lock our own threads
The ability to lock our own threads

it is then silenced instantly by reality


Not sure if I can do custom permissions. I wonder… This is a “Discourse” forum. If you see that “groups” can have custom permissions, let me know and I’ll see what I can do since this isn’t necessarily an “OP” feature.

We looked into whether it was possible on Discourse.meta, and it unfortunately isn’t. It’s just quite irritating when we need to stop people from posting in night phases and somebody out of Geyde/Squid/Solic/Eevee or some other forum mod isn’t online.


Try posting @ - they take requests pretty often. There may also be plugins. Toss me a shout if you find something.


Been there, done that, apparently it’s “too risky”, whatever that means

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Can we merge FoL and FM back
In our inner organization they don’t make any sense in separated categories.

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Hard agree

Both are under the exact same umbrella

That’s cool. For some reason, FoL is hidden from the main page, which is weird to not have the most dominant part of the forum not show in a main category. I’ll put it back, but I really wish it would display on the front.

I don’t mind the separation too much personally, but it isn’t working correctly at its initial split at least, because FoL 21 is not in the correct subcategory for instance.

I finally have a way to delegate people that keep asking me for titles. ^^

Cool stuff all around.

Certain custom permissions would be most helpful indeed as mentioned before.


cough on average there are about 4 non-FoL FM games on while there are 2 FoL games on.

I agree that it’s the most important setup we have (and we’ve gotten somewhat close to getting it actually balanced for the forum) but you’re more likely to play a more traditional FM game than an FoL starting out.

It’s back to how it was previously now I believe.


Honestly, I realised that it’s just the category banner that’s on the homepage and by going on Meta Forum Matches you can access all FoL threads, so it’s not so much of a bad idea as i initially thought it was.

I think it’s just a revulsion to change for once. We have to try that every once in a while.


I think I even spotted a funky new icon when I was on a work break. :eyes:

A split between SFoL + FoL and all FM’s could work.

The split just adds more clicks

@í42-Xblade it appears on the categories screen for me :man_shrugging:

It dosen’t, actually. All FoL-related threads could be accessed from the Meta category, meaning that no extra clicks were added.

What meta category

The #forum-matches category was briefly renamed.