Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

I don’t know anybody in particular so whoever wants to take me on gets first dibs I suppose

Sounds fun, glad to have you here!

@Marluxion please remind all Veterans at the start of the game to try and keep post volume down

16p hydra games get really long really quick if we’re all spamming

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Firekitten won’t like this…

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12h and no slot left.

And even if I asked to be preined.


Uff, it’s only foe Veterans so i can still spam. :eyes:

You’re a Veteran surely

I’m not 100% convinced on the calibre of all these ‘Experienced’ players :thinking:

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But not according to this requirements. lel

Can it be me?

I have very low mafia experience :’)


You have the most experience on this site, probably :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw guys, I will need to go to airport in like 3 hours.

If I didn’t respond in 24 hrs, considering me that I either die in a plane accident or I collapsed in my bed due to exhaustion since I will arrive Taiwan at like 4 A.M.


Bullshit. I have even lower experience than yours. :eyes:

Bullshit. I have even lower experience than yours. :eyes:

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It won’t work on me, pal. I’m newbie and that’s the fact.

Your profile says otherwise tho :thinking:

SFoL =/= FoL

In other words somebody has to carry me to victory!

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the newbie who gets to hydra with me gets a :fire: meme

My only preference is that my partner has a negative attitude towards alchs


puts on fake moustache

Hello there noz of bugz, i would like to /in with you to gain this “fire” meme