Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

I hate cult

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Like I said, I already said half of this in my post dives

are you in the game?

Itā€™s technically not a proven cult game if we only have a pally claim, but odds are its cult yes

i love how FK wants the prince to jail themselves kek


How the heck is he confirmable then

you will find out

I relate

why do you want me to jail myself

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are you claiming prince?

He already did

oh ok

Not that anybody believes him

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Okay, now I ACTUALLY read your elaborate iso of me and I actually read you as scum at this point. You full well know that Iā€™m new to forum mafia and yet you expect me to act the ā€œusual townā€ way which I donā€™t know yet. I havenā€™t played a single forum game, how can I know what the meta here is? I just voiced my experience regarding ToL - I would never lynch Isaac/Maxi d2 because of what he says d1 and this still stands. You mention me ā€œknowing what Iā€™m doingā€ and purposefully defending Isaac while Iā€™ve never been a part of any game on the forum so you canā€™t assume I know my way around the game. I feel confident about Isaac being goofy because (if Iā€™m not confusing his identity on Discord), he generally memes a lot there as well. Now, consider this:
I would not be one of the few actively pushing on Alice being EK because she assumed Isaac is MM without ever mentioning the possibility of a cult game. If I was scum and Isaac was my scum buddy, I would not support the claims of King being evil, would I? Second of all, Maxi says theyā€™re confirmable so at this point itā€™s stupid to think theyā€™re scum, he wouldnā€™t say heā€™s confirmable if he was CL and his hydra slipped as scum 30 minutes into day 1.

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FOL tip #1: Prince always claims d1 and if someone claims prince d1 they are always telling the truth


Who said I though Isaac was scum? :thinking:

i always claim my class D1 if its important. like in Cult In The Jungle 2

If you donā€™t think Isaac is scum then I donā€™t see why you would even consider me as scum at this point so that can be assumed

did you ever tell me whether youā€™re infected or not