Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Never have

oh ok

Iā€™m not defending Isaac

Iā€™m merely stating that his alignment is irrelevant to your guilt.

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Count me in too

Iā€™m basically null on Isaac tbh


Mid is merc because heā€™s been defending issac hard discuss.

No that was me :stuck_out_tongue:

Disagree because he hasnā€™t always and would probably not be using such obstructionist tactics

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The only classes that would fake claim paladin are cult and fool. So I would say this is pretty much a confirmed cult game unless this is some 1000 IQ unseen tactic.

I could see that tbh

Would certainly cue in any EKing

orange your alch?

There goes my theory.

@midonik16 do you wanna explain what you meant by letting slips go cause this is newbie friendly? Because slips come from scum not town.

Oh boy

Thats so false and u know it lol

No I cust claimed it


If I was Alch I wouldā€™ve replaced out probably

Speaking of where is @Neclord

Oh yay hi gim

Except how does a townie slip as being CL and he wasnā€™t treating it as a meme then

We need to get you a profile picture btw


Isaac is the type that could write something stupid and then delete it without the intention to hide his slip. I will vote to lynch myself if he flips scum.

well uh we arent scum so thats that