Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

fuck alches


My preference is Noz_Bugz

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and I am indeed a newbie, do not let my user title fool you!

sir you seem to look like a bagel and as such I cannot give you said fire meme

I’m newbie. :slight_smile:
Now where is this duck on fire?

you can haz other fire meme

Hold on that’s only in the past month

livi any last words before i kill you with my Cold Steel

CSes first

Livi you’re rolling scum right ?



I should have left you on that street corner

pfft what street corner

btw yer adopted

This is so small… it’s for dwarwes rathen for humans.

and le pandas

And TOS. :gun:



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Pew pew

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