Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

@Emilia explain yourself

I don’t see this as a reactiontest

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Um why wouldn’t he frame n1?(i dont know fol fool strats)

Fools don’t want to frame because conf!scum get jail exed or knight csd

There were no moderrors made last night

Someone window peek hjisk hes ether a fool making bad plays or a scorned with us as a target

well if im prince right now im gonna exe him tonight. but can the real prince settle this mess?

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Ok then hjisk is trolling or is a scorned trying to get us hung

Moderror seems like the lowest of all possible defenses. Still, should we let Prince deal with tech in case of Fool? And if hes CL, it will block cult for a night. And no chance of hjasik trolling causing a mislynch.

hjasik can be
a. scorned/fool
b. cult who was tailored
c. game thrower

At this point let prince decide if hjisk was jailed he can exe us

Should we just get prince to kill tech

ehh nah

Marget up to prince since if hjisk was jailed he can kill us but if he wasnt hjisk should be killed by prince

if you want to kill us, do it now. dont let the knight or prince to do it for you. dont wanna make prince lose their exe / knight suiciding

But this is seriously ridiculous as hjisk is most likely trolling to get rid of a invest class and or a scorned

How can prince lose on you when you calim check on jailed.

Or fool*

it feels bad to quote myself but u asked for it.

Just let the prince decide cause if hjisk was jailed he can jail us to avoid any cult kills if he wasnt hjisk should be jailed for this trolling