Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

May I know what makes you reach this conclusion?

There, he admitted he really wasnā€™t jailed and he was testing to see if techbin actually checked him n1

techbin said hjasik was ns and then when he said he was jailed, they werenā€™t really sure anymore if they checked himā€¦

By the way, Iā€™m looking through class cards again and I canā€™t find any tailoring abilities on Ritualistā€¦ Or on any cult members for that matterā€¦ Am I missing something?

Ritualist can hide a fellow cult once per game if I understand the class cards correctly

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Therefore if techbin (the person on trial) really was paladin, he would not say ā€œhjasik is nsā€ and then, 400~ posts later change his mind and say ā€œorange/hjasik scum teamā€, because it just DOESNā€™T MAKE SENSE.

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somebody unvote execute

Good God let the people who arenā€™t here yet speak


Ah, itā€™s Will of Mithras, a day ability. Nevermind then.

1/3rd of our players havenā€™t even checked in yet

Is that because of the fact that some of us havenā€™t been here since the trial started or are you trying to change our mind about techbin and his fake pala claim?


I thought you were one of the first to push on him after he was caught lying about hjasik

I was the first, but I donā€™t like rushing to a lynch before people check in

I donā€™t even know if gim is awake yet ffs

We have 72 hours

Donā€™t waste 60 of them

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But why would they do it though? The timing on said ā€œreaction testā€ is extremely weird. Techbins has been acting way too suspicious which makes me like 90% sure they wonā€™t flip town, however they were already suspected by the whole court by the time hjasik made the ā€œreaction testā€. Isnā€™t it possible that they are both scum and hjasik made this ā€œreaction testā€ in order to distance himself from tech?

If youā€™re merely trying to stop us from hammering otb before everyone gets a chance to assess the trial, then I agree with you, but if you want to make us pardon Iā€™m skeptical

Where did I ever say pardon? I said unvote lol

I interpreted the unvote as you wanting him not to die on trial too soon, possibly because you have some plans to save him, sorry.