Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

I did not know, it’s my first ever forum game of this sort, after all. And was this meant to imply you think I’m starting cult or something?

It’s meant to imply that you asking the question gives me zero reason to believe that you are not.

Who’s your veteran?

Fair enough I guess. I never intended to make myself less sus with that question, I just wanted to know.


Does he talk in your class card? because he literally sent 3 posts after becoming your mentor

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Not much, we have 41 post total in class card chat, he said he’s there to guide and I’m the boss.

And you didn’t ask him why? lol

I mean, I think I can do fine without him and not screw up something big time. If he wants, he will appear, not like I can dictate what he does.

No but like

Ask him those kinds of questions lol

That’s literally what he’s saying he’s there for

You should have asked your veteran about cult chat, not ask it here to try and look less cult because you don’t know how the cult chat functions

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Eh, I see what you mean now. Alright.


We can’t prove that one

But I do agree it can only make you look worse when you have access to not only the hosts but also a veteran

As you said, asking about cult chat like this doesn’t make him look more townie, but it doesn’t neccessarily make him any more scummy either, it’s just a mechanics question

Also just saying if the trial period ends with majority voting execute it goes through I’m pretty sure

Let’s just do that tbh

That’s still only like 30 out of 72 hours

Well, if the majority of voters vote execute it should go through? it’s only sensible that way. If the vote ends 6 exe 0 pardon 9 abstain, it’s still an execution I imagine

And we have like 5 execute votes right now so we need 5 pardon votes to possibly outweigh, won’t happen

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Why exactly do you want to pardon? I don’t see tech flipping town

Because you’re his buddy, yeah yeah we know :roll_eyes:

Even ignoring his question, boss had been acting scummy before he replaced out. He was posting redundant questions and he didn’t seem sure when accusing people. However, I do think that the question about cult chat was legit, since I’m actually reading their slot as a neutral.