Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Cause look at how techbin is acting. Need I say more?

Livicus is scum this game I think.

Heā€™s displaying his scumtells again

Hey I canā€™t be scum everygame, can I?


Also techbin has already been thoroughly discussed by everyone so Iā€™m not going to bother.

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Also hey, this time itā€™s real.

No way Iā€™m scum this time.

Right now I have my scumleans leaning on at least one of those Prince claims, obviously not all of them are real but I have a good feeling at least 1 of them are trying to blend in by adding onto it, Noz and Neclord being the least likely duo thatā€™s faking Prince. Also still really paranoid of a Litten deepwolf.

Also orange has surprisingly not been very involved today.

Iā€™m killing Livicus tonight

Heā€™s scum

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Okay whoa hold on

Youā€™re a Knight I assume?

Unless this is a scumslip?

Unlikely though in my opinion.

Iā€™m killing you tonight


Go for it dude.

I am not sensing scum signs from Luxy.

Just cause noz does not belive i will flip paladin dont you think scum whos about to be exed would have given up by now -_-

Lmao I just got bled. Can I get a healer possibly?

Wait really?


Waiting until now is a weird pick

The fact that specifically Noz got bled must mean that the CL probably hasnā€™t read through all of the thread, or else they wouldā€™ve seen the part where I explicitly stated that Noz was referencing the game where he faked a PR to divert attention.

Also no clue where @gim went rn tbh

Iā€™m hoping heā€™ll say more tomorrow lol

Night kids

night Michigan