Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Yea? Then what it means?

Wolf Who is lvl 1

So you donā€™t know. Gotcha

Wrong conclusion

Eh. Nevermind.

If youā€™ve carefully followed this thread, youā€™d notice that techbin is obviously scum or horribly misplaying. Thereā€™s no reason why this trial is still going, if someone smashes execute right now it will end with the majority Iā€™m pretty sure

Yes, I know.

But that post sounds a bit too suspicious.

Maybe it does. I just want techbin dead before you start feeling bad for ā€œmislynchingā€ themā€¦ The last like hundred posts from tech himself are basically indicating heā€™s a frustrated townie and that his hydra partner made mistakes that lead to this trial, but for all we know they could be CL. If you want to defend techbin after what happened today then in fact youā€™re the suspicious one tbh

Can we actually get one more exe vote so that the trial ends or will we wait another 3 hours or so?

Nevermind actually just 1 hour left.

Insanity I dont like ur lack of opinion on this situation

Ok, So Iā€™m an idiot and forgot I wasnā€™t tracking this topic Omegalul

Thoughts on letting Prince kill Tech?

I mean heā€™s L-2 from being executed rn

That doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t pardon and vote someone else though :thinking:

Actually L-1 I think

I donā€™t agree with this at all, if he really is Paladin as techā€™s frustration might suggest, Prince would only lose executions. Do you want Prince to lose exe?

/Unvote for the moment

Prince knows whether Hasik was jailed or not

Hjasik was not jailed and admitted it was a reaction test

Lol, I missed that. Then why are we sure Tech isnā€™t pally then?