Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

I feel like this is supposed to be a reference to something?

I don’t see why town would claim scorned though so yeah

vote with whoever = vote with scum

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It is a reference to something

/vote hjasik and Margaret

They just claimed scum. It can be an EZ fakeclaim.
Invests should check InsaCube if there is any left.

If you are town, why haven’t scum killed you or converted you yet?

??? :eyes:


Are you assuming the possibility that there was exactly one investigative BD class in the game? Why?

What are your thoughts on the real scum, excluding hjasik? Was the previous list serious?

No but they may more than one. I hope one Pally wasn’t only Investigative this game otherwise we’re in veeery bad spot.

idk maybe they tried

Who knows maybe if you be kind to me I might help BD

By your own logic, if I’m a high-priority target to harm, I’m also high-priority to help

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No invests is winnable

The only BD that are always appearing is at least one Paladin/Sheriff and Prince.
RNGesus is in charge of the wheel.

But i still hope we have other Invests out there.

Is there a good reason why Blizer is inactive?

@Luxy bind soul yourself and me please