Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Resident gamethrower

Actually Mole

Weā€™re short two kills

I donā€™t see why assuming one was on me is farfetched :thinking:

Well i wasnā€™t in that game so i canā€™t confirm it

This is that game

Unless cult failed convert night one.

Iā€™m talking about THIS gameā€¦

Ah Twilight meant nk is electro sorry

true - but then that means weā€™re in a good spot

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Oh yay hi Alice


We could have Captain contract Priest or Prince :thinking:



If priest is real

Nobody fake claims Priest ay lmao.

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I disagree with this, tbh. Hja already open-claimed as scum so thereā€™s no point to wasting a day on him when Nerbins could execute once Luxy revives him.

Should be common sense for investigatives to check nulls, though.

He meant after prince has been revived ofc

Or we could save prince a night


I know

Do you agree with either upping hjasik/margaret or insanicube? the former hardclaimed scum today and the latter hasnā€™t said anything about the game since day 1 started

Yes but how we suppose to know who are those Invests and who are they consider as Null.