Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

No pull rank

Iā€™m not apostle(yet) so calm yer tits

Okay so no pull rank can be translated to

ā€œNo, Pull Rankā€ meaning Yes I should or it could be

ā€œDonā€™t Pull Rankā€ meaning that I shouldnā€™t

Iā€™m going to go with the second

Good Maximus :slight_smile:

Cool. Iā€™m not out of existence now. Was sorta having to do some crap with family but now Iā€™m not here and Iā€™m ready to deduce :slight_smile:

Ummm, youā€™re on trial, bucko

So Iā€™ve observed

Well, arenā€™t you going to put up a defense on why youā€™re not scum?

Right now Iā€™m reading up through the comments to find out why I am scum. Iā€™ll put together a better defense if I know what Iā€™m defending against, so right now reading up a lot and trying to find out all the details

We mainly upped you so you would fucking talk

Ok, cool. I now see that itā€™s because Iā€™ve been generally inactive. (Sorry about that BTW). Honestly, I donā€™t really know why Psycho is but he warned be beforehand that he would be, but I ended up getting screwed by my family and not really being able to do much either. As someone whoā€™s never been in one of these games before, I donā€™t really know what kind of things to say in this situation or really what this situation is very well

Give us your opinions on the game. Why shouldnā€™t we kill you?


Well, currently, I would like to point out that this would be the worst possible situation if I was evil. Currently, due to me not being able to talk, Iā€™ve brought of attention to myself. As a scum, I believe that this would most likely be one of the worst situations I would bring upon myself as an evil.

Essentially, if I was evil, if I was actually here I wouldā€™ve tried to avoid this situation at all costs
(Take what I say with a grain of salt because I havenā€™t really been in these kind of situations or games so Iā€™m just sorta guessing about situations)

Okay but like we can lynch you and still lynch somebody else today because of Noble putting a bounty on you

So why is your life more important than eliminating a silent slot for free


I now see your point. After finding out what that ability does I can say that Iā€™m currently trying to find out the best way to prove myself while possibly keeping myself (if possible) not outed, that way Iā€™m not a target for evils. Might take a bit to actually give a good defense so I can look through the technicalities of my class, how I can prove, and how I can possibly minimize the chance of getting screwed over by evils

Donā€™t worry about proving yourself later

Worry about us not lynching you now

Worried about proving myself without shooting myself in the head. I donā€™t really know which classes evil targets over other classes, so itā€™s hard to know whether or not Iā€™m completely screwing myself over by doing that

Hereā€™s a quick test for you. If the only way for you to survive would be to shift the lynch to someone else, to who would you shift and why?

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Thatā€™s not an answer to my question