Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

I mean just seeing if he could be CL

we haven’t seen a trace of them

wish we hadn’t lynched techbin


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Nah he’s Merc

I got his contract :wink:

Yeet, Marcap is a merc with you as a contract, withstanding Captain agreeing ofc

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I see

Aren’t contracts meant to be silent? Or is it just the first?

wait my contract?

I’m literally joking he’s contracting Prince

He’s being sarcastic

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I am 100% positive that’s Merc though

No way do they claim a kill on FK otherwise

If Prince ever dies, Marc will die the following day by his own honour or the axe


So he has great incentive to let him live

Mercenaries aren’t occ immune in fol anymore (were they beforehand I’m not sure)

I’m inclined to believe he’s actually a Merc as it’s already day 4 and we’ve seen no signs of any other neutrals, tbh.

That too lol

Most likely Cult hopping on the double mislynch wagon is Squid IMO

What makes you think that?

The execute wagon was pretty much dead except me, Insanity, and Noz. Since Noz was bled d2 I don’t think he got converted n2. It was only after orange began pushing that people jumped on it.