Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

I thought Alice or somebody did?

I think Invest classes were strongly urged too

Both me and you. I’ve been telling investigatives to check the null reads as in Insanity in this case as their activity levels make them unreadable.

I don’t think I did explicitly but I swear you did

Pretty sure you also mentioned that Insanity should be checked as well.

Accused Voters Count
Insanicube Molestand 1/7
Molestand orangeandblack5, Luxy, 3/7

idk tbh but hopefully

See? Sponsored.

I don’t think anyone told them to check Insanity though

Making the vote visible :thinking:

I trust their slot, it seemed like they were here, they probably did it

I remember Alice suggesting that Insanity should have been checked

Were you sponsored orange?

It says nowhere on the ability the vote isn’t visible :thinking: I’ll be having sponsor changed soon

no :roll_eyes:

Change it back to order so we may Order Firekitten once more.


I don’t know if there was a notification or not so I may have been sponsored.

You weren’t

Orange has a doublevote, so I’m quite sure Maxi’s slot sponsored him.

Ok good