Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Seems Qwerty’s crappy analysis won round 1.

To be fair

Frosted fucking nailed her reaction to being voted

I feel bad because it was literally all psycho that got that slot killed

@FrostedTestical was actually really good at putying on a town-ish tone snd I really hope they come back and play more games, I’d love to see them with more experience


Nah why would you do this

Oh hi Noz :smile:

Oh hi Mark


Currently on phone rn, so…yeah.
Here is a picture of a cute doggo tho:

Whats this even supposed to mean? I got it wrong?

C’mon, tell me you know the meme


lol my internet is spotty AF rn. So expect me to be talking a lot then just drop off the face of the earth for a bit


/vote Noz claimed bleeding but not dead :eyes:


i was prob healed.


oh btw i hardclaim CL kek

Yeah vote sticks

literally my tilt is off the fucking scales rn. Please fucking end me

Because the other possibility is Noz and Insanity are the Cult, and they were faking bleeding

/vote noz

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